The Last Song

Hi guys and gals, welcome to this page where I shall spill out my views on music. Of course this will all be in my honest opinion. I respect all other perspectives on the topics I discuss and hope that people who disagree with me would still respect my opinions. Also, should you want to voice your objections or basically your own opinions on whatever you see here, feel free to either email me or write out your views in my guestbook.

music soothes even the savage beast - anonymous

In today's hectic and competitive world, nothing beats having a little time by yourself, lounging in your couch and just switching on the radio or perhaps popping your favourite CD into your CD player and letting the music fill your head and take you away to a different place.

we'll float around and hang out on clouds, then we'll come down and have a hangover - cobain, kurt donald

Some people like jazzy tunes or sexy R&B numbers. Some prefer soft, lovey-dovey-type ballads to calm themselves and feel good. Maybe you're the type who loves a good ol' fun rock & roll song or maybe a bubblegummy lil' pop song? Then there could always be a venture into the dark side of music, exploring metal and its various subdivisions. There are still plenty of classical music lovers around as well as new age fans.

the hills are alive, with the sound of music - from "the sound of music"

The sound of the future is said to be a combination of techno and the cutting edge rock of today. I don't know how true this will be and whether I will like it myself. However, as music continuously evolves and reshapes itself, we can be sure of one thing - that music is and will remain eternal.

and in my mind as i was floating far above the clouds, some children laughed i'd fall for certain, but thinking that i'd last, forever - corgan, william patrick jr

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