Commoners of the World

will always have something to say to such an impeccable dresser such as yourself.

(removing his lips from your arse...)

Common-folk get on me nerves. If you hate people as well, heres a handy dandy list of replies to mortal nonsense.

'hey, freakboy! Halloween is x number of months away!'
commonly used by car-loads of people. Spit at them, get some cool scars if there's enough of them to fight.
'Faggot!' or 'Cut your hair, you faggot!'
yelled by jealous macho jock fucks who cant have your gorgeous hair. kill them.
'Hey, did you just xxxx at me?!' or 'Dont be xxxx me!'
shouted by people too stupid to think up of any reason to pick a fight with you. they are too ox like to comprehend that they have a difference against you, that could be a reason... but alas, these amoeba have to point out you doing something you didn note do at all.... these tymes call for an ass beating in front of their ugly girlfriend, fucking the girl even though shes ugly, and smashing up their car.
'Hello there, sunshine!'
You have to give these happy corpses points for originality. They have the possibility of being actual sentient beings, and not merely people. Talk to them for a moment if you should care to.
'And your favorite colour is...ummm.... yellow?
Reply in 'flourescent pink.'
'Nice ass!'
Female: either hike your skirt higher, or bloody them. Male: the same.
'May i interest you in some literature on our saviour?'
HAHAHAHHAHAH!! if they didnt know better than to approach you, take the literature. Then proceed to show up at the church, and loot the wine. Hoot at the nuns. Yell thigs about your goat lord. And leave.
'You boys/grrrls are going to have to leave.'
Leave. With hostages.
'Nice boots!'
Wave, it's just me.

Copyright 1997 the Gods of Punk, you Zombie, and interestingly enough I would love some extra idears.

cheer up...Coping with Depression!
harhar... can we go home now...?