Mosious' Home Improvement Pages

----2:31 am July 1, 1999 UPDATE 2:

GOOD GRIEF I'M BACK IN BUSINESS!!  Boy I'm fast aren't I?  I got off my duff, reworked some pages, did some signing up for new web space and voila!!  In two days I manage to go down, for what I thought was for good, and make a come back.  Too cool.  My pages are now back up at - the new official url is:

What are you waiting for?  Truck over there now and see what I've in store for the future! :)


----12:15 am July 1, 1999 UPDATE:

Hmmm... maybe I was premature? :)  Ok - I actually got MAILS today from some folks who didn't want to see the site leave (thanks to those of you who did mail - you know who you are).  HOLY COW!  Sooooo... I'm looking into another place to put the pages.  I'm also currently UPDATING (good lord huh?? hehe) the page (removing the Geocities stuff) and rearranging a few things.  Also actually putting some more content in - if I can find it I did some work on a second JavaScript game kinda thing that I can possibly polish up and put in the N-Ter Active section, and I may do a Home Improvement Win95 Theme (and/or wallpaper etc).  So stay tuned folks - I may not be down for the count just yet okie?  I'll keep y'all updated here as I can manage to get a different home for the pages arranged.


---- June 30th, 1999

Mosious sez:

Thank you for visiting what used to be Mosious' Home Improvement Pages. Unfortunately here's the story:

Geocities/Yahoo! has recently decided that they are above everyone else and have instituted new rules and guidelines. These "rules" state, roughly, that ANY content on their site is THEIR property. Period. No exceptions. No arguments. And that they can use this, passing it off as their work.

Mosious does not condone this at all - it is wrong and underhanded as well. SO, due to my own moral standing I've decided to remove the pages from Geocities/Yahoo!'s clutches.

Thank you to those of you who visited, enjoyed the site, mailed me with good wishes, comments, and words. They were and still are appreciated. My email: is still there (they haven't taken control of THAT anyways... yet...) if you'd still like to drop a line or offer server space (hint hint)

Up the irons!!! - Mosious out...