all about me...

...standin' on a hill in a mountain of dreams... name's Dawn, I'm a 42 year young, working mother of two beautiful daughters who keep me young at heart, and on my toes. There's Sheila, who is 25 and just graduated college, and Jennifer, who is 18 and just got her drivers lincense. Sheila has just moved back home after spending the last 4 years in Hawaii. I'm very proud of both of them, and find I'm still learning a lot about life, and they are my teachers. We have Rosie, a boss cat who keeps all the dogs in the neighborhood in line. We also have two dachshunds, Emma, a red miniature dachshund who's about 6 yrs. old now, boy is she a pisser! And Zoey, a miniature merle, the prettiest thing I've even seen! She's absolutely my baby! I also have 3 red earred slidders (turtles), Tina, Spike, and Percy, who are awesome to just sit and watch!

I currently manage a novelty shop and truely enjoy it! Though I would love to one day open my own shop, a dream I've had for years now. I also am learning/practicing Reike, the ancient art of energy healing. I also work the wee morning hours at UPS loading trucks. It's very cool, pretty tough, but I love the challange of it, and it pays pretty damn good for a part time job!

My favorite past time is music, I can't play anything 'cept the CD player, oh, and the tambourine, so I figure that's where my need to know all the lyrics come in. I enjoy a good concert every chance I get. My favorite band of course isLed Zeppelin, but don't ask me to name a favorite song, it's just impossible. I got to take my girls to see Plant/Page's '98 summer tour,they had a blast & it was a lot of fun getting to take them both to their first concert. I also love to go to local clubs to see live music, it's always a great time! I'm trying to teach myself guitar, a wonderful friend of mine hooked me up with my very first guitar! I can't seem to sit long enough to get some practice, I want to pick it up and play it, just like that! *laugh* So if anyone's got a secret short cut, I'd appreciate the tip! Jen seems to share my passion for music, maybe I can get her into the field somehow. She's been playing with her friend's bass guitar, so maybe that, or maybe radio or something, cool huh?

I also enjoy swimming, hiking, a day shopping in New Hope, a good movie, or maybe a good book. I also enjoy a good Sunday football game, we're long time Denver Broncos fans in this house. GO BRONCOS!! For years now I've been collecting gargoyles, and of course anything Zeppelin! I also love cooking big Sunday dinners. So that's pretty much all about me, or all I'm willing to admit! *SMILE*

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