Backstreet's Chat!


They may reign supreme on Planet Pop, but the Backstreet Boys are never too busy to settle down with Smash Hits for a chat about their three favourite things - food, sleep and girls! Yay!

Food For Thought

What with all that foreign travel, you could be forgiven for thinking the Backstreet Boys were dead experimental with their grub. But is that the case? Is it 'eck! "I eat complete crap!" hoots AJ. "I eat McDonald's all the time." "You could live at McDonald's, man," jokes Kev. "Yeah, I could eat it 24-7- breakfast, lunch and... actually no, I take that back," he corrects himself. "I could eat McDonald's for lunch and dinner, but I hate their breakfast. Burger King's croissants are good for breakfast, then I'd have lunch and dinner at McDonald's". (Glad that's sorted!) "Howie eats real slow," chuckles Brian, "and he eats everything on his plate. As for me, when I get full, that's it, I'm finished."

"I'm a messy eater," chips in a shame-faced Nick. "I don't spill food everywhere or anything, though... I'm not that bad." "Yes, you are!" cry the others. "Shut up, man!" snaps Nick, a bit miffed. "Pizza's my absolute favourite. I love pizza, man. I could eat it all the time. (Nick drifts off into pizza heaven) I love it with just cheese, double extra cheese." You're not exactly health freaks, then? "I try to eat healthily, but it's hard because a lot of the time we don't have time," moans Kev. "I used to love McDonald's. (Looking slightly pained) I mean I like McDonald's but I just can't eat it. It makes me feel crap."

"I'm lucky, I don't gain a pound," booms AJ smugly. "I could eat everyone under the table. I can eat two quarter-pounders, six chicken nuggets, two large fries and a coke! It must go to my feet! Then again (looking worried), wait until I hit 40... I'm gonna be huge!!!!"

While You Were Sleeping

All that eating can make a boy sleepy... do any of the BSBs have any embarrassing (ahem) bedtime habits? All fingers point to Howie! "I don't know if I snore, but they say I do!" he sighs. "(To the others) You all snore too - I've caught you!" "How would you know you're snoring?" asks Nick. "You're asleep!" "I sleepwalked the other day!" continues Howie. "I dreamt I was going out to the bathroom and ended up on the balcony!" "Yeah, and he talks in his sleep too," jokes the B-RoksterTM. "Yeah, he mumbles," adds Nick. "We try to joke around with him and mumble back 'What, Howie?" But it seems Howie's not the only one. "You've talked in your sleep too," says Nick, turning to Brian. "I heard you when we used to room together." Oh-oh, this is news to Brian! "Really?!" he asks. "I snore if I sleep on my back," admits AJ, moving on. "But I think everyone snores. We don't get a lot of sleep - we've gone whole days without any. You get used to sleeping anywhere, be it in a car or a plane or a train..."

And Now The Bit You've All Been Waiting For!

Ok, boys, on to the subject we all wanna hear you talked about... girls! Who's going to be the first to spill their most romantic yarn?

"The most romantic thing I've ever done was pretty cool actually!" laughs Kevin. "I was dating a new girl and she had to go to the doctor, but she dreading it, so I got up early and made her her favourite breakfast. I made bagels with cream cheese and bought some strawberries. I took it over to her apartment, knocked on the door and said, 'Hi, just wanted to give you this to start off your day.'" Wow!

"I've got a good one too," reveals Howie. "I had a friend coming to visit me from out of town. I'd told her to look out for someone with her name on a card, then I went along to the station with a big bunch of flowers. I was wearing this white puffy jacket and I had a piece of card with her name and 'White Coat Services' written on it..." Anyone else? "Yeah, I was with a girl who went to a girls' school," says Brian. "I knew her locker combination, so I sort of broke into her locker (hmm...) and put some roses in there with all this little notes. When she opened it, there were roses everywhere!"

"The most romantic thing I've ever done is take a girl to Burger King," laughs Nick. Nice... "Shoot!" cries AJ, looking put out. "I haven't had an opportunity to do anything as romantic as I'd like to. I'm an all-out kinda person, but an old-fashioned romantic too. If I did something, it would be big and huge, but I haven't done it yet!" Don't worry, fella, there's plenty of time for that... and loads of willing takers out there, eh? (Smash Hits)