Pagan Rock on the Web

Last edited 9 September 2002
New artist added 21 January 2001
New album review added 21 January 2001

Artist Links & Reviews - News - Pagan Music Links

Why Pagan Rock?

Throughout the ages, members of various religious groups have been moved to express their spirituality through the arts, and the modern revival of ancient pagan beliefs is no exception to this rule. Most of the music which is generally labelled as "pagan", however, tends to fall into the acoustic or "New Age" categories. While there's nothing inherently wrong with these genres, it seemed to me that they overemphasized the qualities of air and water. I therefore went looking for pagan music which embraced the energies of fire and earth. I found it in the community of musicians who are melding pagan themes with modern rock idioms. The searing flame of an electric guitar solo, the pounding solidity of the kick drum - these spoke to me in a way that other pagan musics did not.

These bands have one thing in common: they all number pagans among their members. Some of them center their lyrical efforts entirely around pagan themes, while others mix pagan songs with more "standard" rock fare, or infuse non-pagan lyrics with pagan themes or imagery. Most of them would reject the label "pagan rock" as being too limiting to truly represent their music. While I've chosen to use that label for convenience, I acknowledge that the vision of these artists cannot be captured so simply. I hope you'll bear that in mind as you explore these links.

News & New Info

Album Reviews

Since this isn't the sort of music you're likely to hear on your local radio station (unless you're lucky enough to live in the broadcast area of Murphy's Magic Mess), I thought it might be useful to provide some sort of quasi-objective opinions on the bands listed here. To that end, I've compiled an album review section for all the music that I have on hand from these artists. Look for the "Album Reviews" links under the entries for individual artists, or get the whole list. More albums will be added as I get my hands on them, so check back occasionally.

A note to bands: to those of you who've sent me albums to be reviewed, my deepest apologies if said review has not yet materialized. I hope to complete my backlog in the near future. Since I have a backlog, I would prefer not to be contacted by other bands who want me to review their music; I'm sure it's great stuff, but I simply haven't the time. Maybe sometime soon.

Other Sites For Pagan Music

Serpentine Music is a mail-order company devoted to pagan music - not just rock, but acoustic, Celtic, instrumental, and chant material as well. Highly recommended.

Earth Tones Studios carries a wide variety of pagan music, videos, instruments, and other interesting items.

The Witches' Voice maintains links to a wide variety of pagan musicians (both rock and non-rock oriented), as well as Internet retailers and other sites of interest.

Pagan music and other radio programming, brought to you via Internet audio!

Recently, sites for independent pagan record labels have begun to spring up on the Web. Hopefully we will see more of these in the near future, and a corresponding increase in the number of musicians who have material out in the community. Check out some of these sites:

For stories which intertwine magic, myth, and rock music, check out the following:

Thanks to all the bands who have consented to have their pages listed here, and particular thanks to everyone who has visited this site and taken the time to mail me with a comment or a new link. I couldn't have done it without you.

I'll be adding new bands as I become aware of their pages. If you have a link that you think belongs here, send it to me and I'll add it to the list. Be warned, though: bands that just happen to have pseudo-pagan or anti-Christian lyrics will not be listed here. My aim is to promote music that has a positive pagan message.

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All content © 1997-2002 Scott Martin