Econoline Crush- September 8

Econoline Crush, like many other bands, call Vancouver home. Named in the honor of singer Trevor Hurst's parents Ford Econoline van, they have exploded on to the Canadian and American music scene over the past year since the release of their second full length album, The Devil You Know which was inspired by the emotional catharsis of Hurst's disintegrated love life. It definitely fulfills the promise of the band's earlier efforts their EP, Purge (1993) and first album, Affliction (1995) - replacing their industrial roots with a melodic synthesis of the contemporary styles including pop, rock, and electronic sampling. Econoline consists of Trevor Hurst on vocals, Robbie Morfitt and Ziggy on guitars. Nico Quintal, formally of Mudgirl, plays drums and percussion, and Thom Christiansen is on bass. Write up by Jemma.


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