Dairy is rape.
While you are reading this imagine human women in place of the cows and hopefully you'll agree.

"Dairy Cows" today are like milk machines -- continually impregnated to keep them lactating so that farmers may take their milk. To save time and human labor, factory farmers use milk machines that often cause cuts, injuries, and electric shocks to cows utters. Farmers also use an array of drugs, including bovine growth hormone and antibiotics, to increase productivity.

The calfs are taken from their mothers soon after birth. They cry just like any human mother would if her baby was taken away. The calfs are added to the dairy herds if female, or confined to small crates for the production of veal if male.

Veal calfs are kept in narrow wooden crates and chained at the neck, allowing them no space to turn around or lie down comfortably. They aren't allowed to exercise, because exercise would allow their muscles to develop and toughen. Calfs are fed an iron-deficient "milk replacer" to keep their flesh white. It also makes the calfs anemic. Some become so anemic that they die before getting to slaughter.

"The purpose of milk is to turn a 50 pound calf into a 300 pound cow".

Many humans are lactose intolerant which is actually perfectly normal. We've been so brainwashed by the dairy industry to consume milk that we think it's strange and abnormal if we can't digest it. That happens to every mammal once it reaches weaning age. For us that happens around two to three years of age. After that milk is no longer necessary.

No other animal consumes milk after it's weaned!!

Cows milk is natural for a calf, not for a human!

This Information is from "Becoming Vegetarian" by Vesanto Melina, Brenda Davis & Victoria Harrison. Check it out at your local bookstore! It is filled with information.
*Not all cultures use dairy; interestingly, some of these cultures show rates of osteoporosis far lower than the rates for Canada, the U.S. and Sweden- countries with high dairy consumption
*Cows milk is suited to the needs of calves who double their weight in 47 days, have four stomachs and weight 300 pounds within a year. It contains three times as much protein and 50 percent more fat than human milk.
*At least half of the 10 million dairy cows in the US spend their lives in crowded, concrete-floored milking pens or barns.
*Factory farmed cows are sprayed with pesticides and dosed with antibiotics, hormones and tranquilizers.
*Many dairy cows are separated from their calves immediately after delivery to prevent the development of bonding between cow and calf. The life span of a dairy cow is five years, rather than the natural 12-15
*The picturesque view that dairy cows are content, grazing in green fields is not always the case. Many dairy cows in North America live in factory farm conditions.
*As repeated pregnancies are necessary for the continued yield of milk by diary cows, during her three to four years of milk production, she is impregnated once a year. A female calf may become a dairy cow, but the male calf is likely to become veal, after being raised for about 14 to 24 weeks in confined conditions which prevent normal muscle development.
*After about 4 years of age many people stop synthesizing the digestive enzyme lactase, developing an intolerance to lactose, the sugar in milk.
*Feeding cow's milk to human babies can cause colic, bleeding in the intestines, allergies and anemia and has been linked to the development of juvenile diabetes.
*Dairy products are a leading cause of food allergy and sensitivity
*Whole cow's milk and many dairy products are extremely high in fat.

And if your worried about calcium, you can get much more calcium from vegetables!

Calcium in milligrams per 100 Calories
Turnip greens...............................650
Collard greens..............................548
Mustard greens..............................490
Swiss cheese................................250
Milk (2 percent)............................245
Green onions................................240
Whole milk..................................190
cheddar cheese.............................179
American cheese............................160

Dairy is full of hormones, antibiotics, fat and all kinds of other things you really wouldn't eat
if you knew they were there.

Please stop supporting the torture.

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