FAQ/About the Author


You know what I hate? When people put FAQ's with questions like, Why don't you update sooner? and then answer them with stuff like "I have a life you know" or "I update as soon as I can" blah blah blah. I never get asked that. I seriously don't. Maybe that's not such a good thing...

Anyway, this is where a traditional FAQ and an About the Author collide. Perhaps I just like to talk about myself a lot...That could be it...

Name: Hope Leigh

Age: Guess what, Fiction world? Especially all of you assholes out there that seem to think that people who aren't ostracized for being older fans can't write, I AM NOW ONE OF YOU, I AM AN ADULT, so you can all fuck off. I'm 19. Thank you and goodnight.

Location: Ontario, Canada. Somewhere near T.O., but not quite.

Fave BSB songs: If I Don't Have You, Don't Wanna Loose You Now and Back to Your Heart, 10 000 Promises and If I don't Have You...I like the emotional stuff...

How'd you start fan fiction: Stumbled on to one by accident, didn't even know what it was then. But now I do, and this idea popped into my head, so I wrote it out, and then became obsessed. I wonder if there's a BSB FanFic Annonymous group I can join (someone just emailed me with the URL for one. There actually is a group...I was surprised).

Are you a professional writer: (FAQ) Writing is my entire life. It affects everything I do. I have reccently published an article in the Globe and Mail, so maybe I am. I write for love, not money.

Job: I work for a famous, multi-national fast food restaurant known best for it's golden arches...But it's all for the greater good, because I'm putting myself through University. I'm taking Political Science, with hopes to gain a law degree after a thousdan years and millions of dollars worth of school...shit...

Can you write me a visual with (fill in name here): (FAQ) No, I can't. Sorry, but I don't do visuals.

Will you write a sequel to Encounters: (FAQ) It's been awhile since I've had this question, but last week some one asked it...I guess they didn't realise that Past Encounters is a sequel. I broke down...originally, it was supposed to be a completely different set of characters for that story, and I had something involving Brian and a tropical island in mind for the sequel to Encounters, but it just evolved very rapidly.

Why is Lilia such a sap: (FAQ) My mistake, really. I didn't intend for her to be such a sappy, weak character. But so is Nick, so I think that they compliment each other. (Nick as my character, clearly not the real Nick).

Hobbies: Writing, singing, music, swimming and attempting to play basketball (I'm short, so it doesn't quite work) Singing is my favorite thing to do other than writing, but unlike writing, I don't think I could do it to learn a living. When I sing, it's something for me alone, it's like showing my soul for however I want to see it, so I could never do it as a job. But writing...different story.

Favorite Book: This changes almost every week. Some of my all-time favorites are Winter of Fire (Sheryl Jordan), the Singing Stone (O.R. Melling), For Whom the Bell Tolls (Ernest Hemingway) and I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (Maya Angelou). And my "I'm in a horrible mood and I'm sick and I have a mid-term coming up that I'm going to fail" book is Little Women (Louise May Alcott) I adore that book, and I think I always will. And new to my collection is the Harry Potter series...They are AMAZING!!!!

Least Favorite Book: Howards End by Mr. E.M. Forster. Yes, Mr. Forster and I spent a lovely term together during my English Lit. class. That book was a boring piece of societal snobbery whose message came to late to save it from killing it's audience with its plot that moves slower than grass grows. I would not recommend it. Also, I did not like the Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. It was a great novel, but the use of the dialect made it impossible for me to read...plus the goddamned essay I had to write about it did not help...

Bands I listen to (other than BSB): I try to stay away from mainstream "American Music Industry" music, because I find that a lot of it is recycled and it bores me alot. I listen to a lot of European bands, like the Verve (when they were a band, anyway), Richard Ashcroft (former lead singer of the Verve), Travis, Manic Street Preachers, and Oasis. Their music just suits me more, I guess. And then I'll always be a fan of the Tea Party, no matter what (although with their new release, Triptych, I shouldn't be...).

Why do you like BSB: I love their music. I honestly lived under a rock for a few years, and I never saw any of their music videos or posters or anything, I only heard their songs on the radio, until 1998, when I was visited my friend's house for the weekend, and she (obsessed freak) forced me to watch the 48 hours of the Backstreet Boys weekend, and when I saw some of their "live" stuff, I was intrigued and became a fan. But I love their voices and their music and they are so talented, it makes me want to cry when I see them preform live (see next question)

Have you ever seen them live: Unfortunately, no. If I'm going to see them, I want to be able to hear them sing, not drowned out by thousands of hysterical fans. But I've seen their concerts and PPV stuff, and I think they are so much better live (well, taped, but performing live).

What would you say to them if you ever met them: I think I'd probably just say "I like your music" and leave it at that. And state the fact that I'm head-over-heels in love with Nick's hair. I don't know what it is, but man, that is some pretty damn good hair. (Many people disagree.)

Stuff about my page: I do all my HTML stuff by myself (I don't trust editors...they'll rule the world one day...) which is why I try to keep it as simple as possible. I'm a self-taught webmistress and I do my best.

Anything else to add: Currently, I have no life...Between my classes and work, I barely have time to slip in to see the occasional movie. Writing is hard to squeeze in. Right now, Connections takes a LONG time to write, because it has to be perfect...I'm anal about every word used in it. That's why it takes so long, so please don't loose patience.

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