The Most Supreme Example of Idiocy Ever

Education obviously wasn't a priority. This is a handy-dandy little quote that I found on It's truly hilarious. Read it and see if you can spot the source of humour in it:

Britney Spears was in Tokyo on Tuesday to launch the release of Oops!...I Did It Again. The singer performed and answered questions during an on-stage interview. "This the first time I've performed a show outside of the US."

Oh my god, is she a complete and utter moron? She has been outside the US performing. She's performed in Canada, in Europe...the list goes on and on...She needs to be slapped numerous times and given a good geography lesson, considering she thinks that every place she's been (exept Tokyo) has been part of the US. Dear God, what is the world coming to, when moronic fools like her are considered idols??

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