Ask Early... advice from a squirrel
Dear Early,
I am obsessed with squirrels. I have about 6 squirrel friends that come by and see me every day. Well, maybe they just don't come to see me- maybe it's the nuts they get! Anyway, whenever I go on vacation I miss them terribly. And now, I've finally found a full-time job (after 13 months) and I miss seeing them during the day too! What should I do?

Dear Obsessed,
I feel your pain. Squirrels are very lovable...but sometimes they will use you for your nuts. You should make sure you spend quality time with your friends on the days you have off. Also, make sure that the feeder is well stocked when you aren't there. You might be able to hire a pet photographer to take pictures of you and your bushytailed friends, that way whenever your feeling lonely at work, you can look lovingly at the picture. If that doesn't a plastic squirrel.

                                                                                                                  Early....the Squirrelly

Perturbed People...send your questions to Early. I am about to lose my well paying job at psycho squirrels if I don't get more of a response.

E-mail me-I can type!