First of all thank you for visiting my site . I know that it takes a lot of time to load the starting page but  this is something that i will fix . I made this site because I wanted to make known that Athens city hardcore scene exists .  A .C Hardcore scene tries to grow up in spite of the difficulties it meets .
That's why i created this site because I wanted to make the scene known to other
people especially those that live in Greece and they don't know the existent of the scene .
The (=.......) symbol gives the meaning of the word that was before it and it is a Greek word but written with the English characters .
I did this in order to keep the real name of the bands or song and e.t.c. and to prevent any misunderstandings.

Please if you want to ask me something, if you have found any broken link , a bug or you want to make a comment contact me (KWARLORD1@HOTMAIL.COM) . I will gladly answer  to anything you want , a  positive or a negative comment will be very helpful for me in order to improve my site.

I would like to thank all of my friends that helped me to make this site , Saranti from the Flipside group
that gave  a lot of information for the bands , all the bands and anyone that doesn't fit to the above and i forgot to include. Thank you ...................

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