This is the page about nothing. It is my titleless page, with absolutely no significance towards anything. It is of no importance, and it is not essential that you read it, nor will you come out a better person after reading it. It does have a background though, so that should count for something, but still, that's not enough to make you tell your friends about it. This page is something contrived out of boredom, there is no funny story about it, nothing like that. I wasn't even listening to music when i created this page. No, this page is just another waste of space on the World Wide Web. I am exercising my right to free speech by putting up something useless, uninformative, boring...the list goes on. Yes, i am doing this just because i can.

So now, go forth -- go forth and create your own meaningless, uninformative, senseless piece of crap. Because you can. And you should. And then, you go out and promote the piece of shit you put no time into creating, and you post links for it, and put it up on search engines. Anything to take up someone's time and fill their cache. If you like, you can even make it look extremely boring by making your background plain white, with no pictures, just black text (i recommend terminal) on white background, although I don't recommend this, because it doesn't take up much cache space, and it's quick loading...Although it's as far from being aesthetically pleasing as they get. I personally recommend using busy backgrounds, hard to read text (preferably as close to the same colour as the dominant colour in the background), lots of pictures (jpgs take longer to load than gifs), extremely long paragraphs filled with boring information (it's best if you lack personality and character, although anyone can do it). If you have sub-pages, never put a back button on them. Oh, and for fun, why don't you make sure your page doesn't fit on a standard sized monitor. That's always amusing. Oh, and one more thing. If you can, make sure you use a lot of javascript, because not everyone's computer is java enabled.

Now my friends, i wish you luck, and hope to see your link soon. Oh, and for those of you who are HTML disabled, here's how you post a link:

<a href="">Click me</a>

And there you go. Now go on, what're you waiting for? Create your piece of shit homepage today!

I'm a hypocrite. So sue me.

NOTE: Those of you who create informative homepages with a point, be gone. You obviously didn't take these lessons seriously.

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