even the losers, keep a little quiet

well there are some things besides music that i enjoy, i'm not quite sure if these things really exsist or are just some paranormal thing going on inside me.. *hint hint* i like the x-files i'm not too fond of t.v. though, but there are some shows i find myself enjoying, such as the simpsons and seinfeld . but other than that.. i spend most of my time elsewhere.

at times i find myself reading, authors and poets that i really enjoy and recommend are jack kerouac, neil cassidy, william burroughs, and the late great allen ginsberg. of course i fall into the classic short stories by edgar allen poe, and lately i've found myself reading some dickens.

my other true love is playing the guitar, i have a fender strat, my dream guitar would of course be a rickenbacker, being the beatles and tom petty crazed person that i am. oh that reminds me, i found this hilarious tom petty is dead site, email the owner and thank him for the laughs.

well that's all for now, when i have more time i'll add more.

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