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Updated 1998-12-12


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The Cardigans

The Cardigans just released a new singel called
"My favourite game". It's a really good one! I feel
sorry for all you that not can't see the original versions.
So you just can see the censored one.
In fact there are four different endings!! They are
called "Walk away", "Stoned","head" and "dead"!! They
are so CRUEL! I know that MTV only will show the
censored one...CHICKEN!! The swedish national TV showed
all four in a row(!!) and had a special program about them!
I hope every TV-station in the world willl learn about
swedish TV.
The tatoo on the singer Nina Persson shoulder isn't real,
in case you didn't know that....If you look on the red seat
in the car Nina Persson is driving you can see that the
tatoo have lose its colour on the seat! It was Nina Persson
stunt who was so sweaty so the tatoo lose its colour
on the seat.

Guns 'N Roses are back!!

  • So after 5 years in silence they're back again!
    The revamped Guns 'N Roses are preparing a new album.
    This time the lineup will be a bit different though.
    Drums: John Freese
    Keyboardist: Dizzy Reed
    Guitar: Robin Finck, former Nine Inch Nails guitarist
    And on the mic it will be Axl Rose, of course!

    Entombed news

  • Entombed will release their new album 16 november. Of
    course it will be a very good one! All that I have heard
    from the record was really great especially some guitarriffs.
    When the record comes out they will go out touring in Sweden,
    as long as possible. Maybe they are going to Norway,
    Finland and Denmark but it does'nt has a high prioritare.

    ..more Entombed!

  • This week (39) will Entombed's old record company release
    an record called "Monkey puss (live in London)". It's an old
    live tourconcert from "Gods of Grind" tour. The sound isn't
    what it should be is what I've heard. DO NOT BUY THIS!!! said
    Entombed to the press!!! Because they have nothing to do with
    this record and they will not get any royalty-money from the
    old record company. So.....

    Denniz Pop is dead...

  • First this sad news...The big man behind swedish
    music exports, producer Denniz Pop, has died at the
    age of 35. He suffered from cancer and last sunday (31/8)
    morning he couldn't fight it anymore. During the 80's
    Denniz Pop was a highly respected DJ, he played at
    the biggest clubs in Stockholm, Sweden. He also played
    at the biggest festivals in Sweden. His breakthrough
    came when he produced Dr Alban's hit "Hello Africa" in
    the early 90's. He was also responsible for Ace of Base's
    "All that she wants". Other artists he worked with were
    Backstreet Boys, 3T, Five and Solid Harmonie and some more...

    Spice news!

  • I've heard from the english press that the Spice Girls
    will stop playing together! Mel B and Posh spice are
    pregnant, and Mel B doesn't like Posh spice because Posh
    spice sister sold the news that Mel B is pregnant to the
    press. The last perfomence will be at Wembley arena in
    september with Geri(!) to thanks the english people for
    the support. But who knows, this is what I've heard...

    All Saints in troubles

  • All Saints ran into trouble when they were headlines
    in the good ol' US of A this weekend. Just a couple of
    hours before cutain-up, the local police banned the
    concert. According to reports there was an "administrive performance permit".

    Ozzy news!

  • Ozzy Osbourne is writing his memoirs but he can't
    remember what he did for 15 years. So he has been
    asking friends to fill him in. Ozzy said, "I'll
    have to take their word for it as I really can't
    remember a thing about those days!"

    Beastie news!

  • The Beastie Boys album "Hello Nasty" had the biggest
    first week sales of the year in Amerika. The album
    has sold over 681,000 copies. Demand was high,
    since it is the first Beastie Boys album in
    four years.

    If YOU got any news you think everybody should know about,
    please feel free to e-mail me!

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