Family Values Tour CD will come out on March 30 three orgy songs will be on it.

Scheduled to do the Campus Invasion Tour with Sugar Ray... intresting combo wonder if it'll turn out like the Hole/Manson Tour...

032399: "Blue Monday" is #4 on TRL 030699: "Blue Monday" is #8 on the Billboard's Top Twenty Modern Rock Tracks

As of 030499: Orgy's still on TRL at #6 (I don't really watch that show but I heard that they were like #3 once I'm not sure though)

02??99: Jay and Bobby are on MTV's Love Line They're so cute!

02??99: Paige, Bobby, Ryan and Jay bowl on MTV's Rock and Jock Bowling They won the first round and lost the second (The New Radicals also sang)

022299: Orgy debuts at #10 on Total Request Live

021299: Orgy preforms on Conan O'Brien