Some Light Reading

Here is a selection of readings about the state of the academic jobmarket, and on higher education in general. Some pieces here are from magazines, journals, and newspapers; others are from personal web pages. Most of them deal in some way with the big picture of educational downsizing and its consequences.

There is a fundamental difference of opinion over the so-called "Ph.D. glut"-- some will claim that Ph.D.s are, and have been, simply "overproduced." The contrary claim is that this "overproduction" would disappear, if the tenure-track positions that have disappeared in favor of part-time, non-tenure track labor were restored. Still others attempt to examine root causes of this "overproduction." Of course, if you're at all serious about this business, you should probably check out the Chronicle of Higher Ed fairly regularly (But don't miss the critique of its reporting on my Academic Labor page).






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