BrueghelThe SCHOLARLY SOCIETIES: How do they approach the job market?

I include these links to show a selection of responses to the job market among different disciplines in the humanities, arts, and social sciences. See where your society stands among the others. Some scholarly societies have only scratched the surface of new professional development issues. The Modern Language Association grad students have taken the lead in demanding attention to their labor issues, and the job market they face as Ph.D.s. Several societies have undertaken occupational studies of their membership, and follow-up studies of their recent doctorates. Such information is potentially vital to students considering upper-level graduate work.


Aesthetics in the Academy: Survey Results in Brief

American Studies

Professional Issues in American Studies: Job Market Realities



1997 AAA Survey of Anthropology PhDs

Art History


Comparative Literature

The American Comparative Literature Association Homepage

Puppy AngelsFolklore

Folklorists Job Information List

Modern Language Association


Job Information List

Data on the Job Market

Information for Job Seekers


American Musicological Society


APA: Classical Studies in North America


Committee on Career Opportunities

Responses to APA Questionnaire for Job Candidates

APA Statements on the Profession: Unaffiliated Philosophers

Political Science

APSAnet: Jobs and Careers in Political Science

Placement Report: Political Science Ph.D.s and ABDs on the Job Market in 1997


ASA Newsletter - September 1999

ASA Newsletter -- Archived Articles

Women's Studies

Women's Studies Database

NWSA Independent Scholars Task Force (women's studies)









This site © copyright 2000-2001 Theresa Muir, Ph.D.