I know, I know, but would you rather have those annoying pop-up windows?


A sampling of links that have been posted to alt.tasteless or that I have found myself in my wanderings on the web. Have fun, and remember, I have no control over the contents of any of these sites. I'm simply providing a way for you lazy-asses to enjoy them without having to put any effort into it.

Been there, done that? Fine. Go back to main. See if I care.

OSHA Fatal Accidents Reports
Does Uncle Sam work for Father Darwin?

For Women Who Want To Pee Standing Up
For ladies who want to write their own names in the snow.

The Dog Diaper
Be sure to go to the video demonstration. The soundtrack is tasteless in and of itself.

The Froon's Forensics photo gallery. Much grue here. Don't say you weren't warned.

The Surrey Stick Figure Theatre of Death
gratuitous violence perpetrated against stick figures, apparently in Surrey, England. Those Brits are odd....

Ever wonder exactly what's happening when you download the remains of last night's indiscretion at Taco Hell?

Grogan Hell: The Movie
Just too stoned to read all them big words in the previous link? Watch the Quicktime movie instead....

The Paramedic from Hell
Tae takes you along for a ride on some of his more interesting life-saving excursions.

That's Offensive!
Shameless huckstering of their video, but a nice jumping off point for lots of other stuff, as well as some pretty offensive little gifs and avi's....worth a click.

Fuck the Skull of Jesus
Exactly what it says. Links, too.

Dr. OK's Clinic
Let's talk about your ass and all the cool diseases it could have....

THE source for beyond-the-pale shit....start here and go all over the dark underbelly of the Web.

Dr. Bukk's Teef
Being stalked because you're too beautiful? Has your attention to dental hygiene made you an outcast in your inbred family? I can't decide between Summer Teef and The Real McKoys...

Chick Publications Tract List
Enjoy some real American culture--enjoy wasting bandwidth and reading those cheesy little booklets from the comfort of your home without having to go to the laundromat...

The Jack T. Chick Parody Archive
And once you've seen the originals, laugh your ass off at some really good parodies...and submit one of your own...

An Introduction to Basic Dermatology
Lots of excellent pictures of skin diseases, choad nodules, rashes, chancres....grab a sandwich, a glass of tea, and get settled in...

The Miraculous Winking Jesus
Will the Son O' God bestow a Holy Wink on you?

Mort's Ruminations
Enjoy the WorstNurse archives and find out what's behind that friendly smiling face that fetches your bedpan and cleans your surgical wound....

What Mr. Undertaker Did To Grandma
Lose a loved one? Have the kiddies been asking those difficult questions? Give 'em some quiet time with this page...(and check out The Onion in general)

Alt.tasteless Node
Hollister's site. It was either add a link or drink his piss. Or both. Hey, I'm game if you are...

Copyright 1998 Lorraine H. Robinson
Last update 11/7/99

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