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PICTURES!! (lots of 'em too!)
Please don't take any of my PsykoBlast or Juno Awards pictures!! Thanks!

»Group Pictures
 gallery 1
 gallery 2
 gallery 3
 gallery 4
 gallery 5
»Scott Pictures
 Scott 1
 Scott 2
 Scott 3 @ PsykoBlast98
 Scott 4 @ More PsykoBlast98!!
 Scott 5 @ More PsykoBlast98!!
 Scott 6
Can you tell I LOVE Scott??
»Bob Pictures
 Bob 1
 Bob 2: PsykoBlast98
»Clint Pictures
 Clint 1
 Clint 2 @ PsykoBlast98
»Dave Pictures
 Dave 1
It's not that we don't LOVE Dave, it's just seems that way cuz of the lack of pictures, but really there's a lot of pictures in this link.
 Miscellaneous Pictures 1 @ PsykoBlast98
 YTV's All Access 1
 YTV's All Access 2
 YTV's All Access 3
 1999 Juno Awards
 Clips from "Girl Of My Dreams"
 Clips from "Until You Loved Me"

NOTE:If there are pictures belonging to you that we didn't give you credit for,please email us and we'll make sure you get credit or if you want. Also, you can send us the URL to your website so we can link it. Also if there are pictures we have that belong to you and that you don't want up, email us and we can take it down from our page.

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