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- 11/01/00 01:48:34


- 10/06/00 19:39:22


Mike - 10/04/00 15:28:12
My URL:http://www.notacrime.homestead.com
My Email:Trailpunk_4130@hotmail.com

Cool, punk and BMX is it!Keep it up

jen - 08/06/00 06:18:29
My Email:dragyoudown@sarahfan.zzn.com

wicked ha! I think boybands are cheap. Chantal is very different. She makes her own music. I love her voice. I'm so tired of seeing overrated pop artists on MTv. I want to smash the television screen because I always see Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera Mandy Moore, some Spice Girls wannabes, The Backstreet Boys and others like them. I see Chantal once in a blue moon on mtvasia! I wish I could buy her debut Under These Rocks and Stones but stores here in the Philippines are stoned to sell the album beca se it's already out-of-stock! Can you believe that! Ijust listen to her new album over and ove again and she's really a soul-healer. I wish Chantal would have a worldwide tour and I wish she'd pass by in Manila. Life is so boring without a difference in t e world, that is Chantal Kreviazuk. Hey, how do you pronounce her last name?

- 07/25/00 23:15:22


My URL:http://www.bigdummy.com
My Email:dpoole@netcom.ca

I like her music. somtimes. Is that good enough?

anick - 04/13/00 12:42:47
My Email:nufan17@hotmail.com

leaving on a jet plane is very cool !!!

- 04/12/00 14:01:44


My Email:BYTOR111503965@AOL

Ithink chantal is extermly talented not only as a performer.but also as a writer.I mean take surrounded it is one of the best story songs that i have heard in awhile and i could go on and on but i won't

Ian Robson - 03/21/00 01:58:17
My Email:IanRobson49@hotmail.com

Wicked site! Our lady peace is #1!

Me man - 03/04/00 05:18:38
My Email:iskudman@hotmail.com

She rules!

Heather Campbell - 01/02/00 18:52:44
My URL:www.JHHCKC.com
My Email:amazing141@hotmail.com

excellent site!

Jeff Wiersma - 12/15/99 01:47:29
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/ilovechantal/
My Email:ilovechantal@yahoo.com

Nice site, Chantal Rocks.
jennybunny - 11/04/99 09:06:08
My Email:jennybunny@goplay.com

Hello all. I recently became a fan of Chantal Kreviazuk's. I can't believe she's marrying Raine Maida though. I think he is the hottest guy ever, and she's also very beautiful, and they make a really good couple. See ya. Does anyone ever update this site?
Kevin Carruthers - 10/09/99 00:11:44
Ren - 02/15/99 02:12:21
My Email:ren88@home.com

man! This is the best damn web page I have ever seen. You must be the coolest dude in scarb...I mean the world. Where did you get the music that was playing I first came into your site? E-mail me later. See ya later you Schwinn ridin', Chantel loving p nk!!!!

Tyson19 - 02/04/99 14:40:43
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/sunsetstip/amphitheatre/7079
My Email:punkrockersrule@hotmail.com

Ya, uhh.... Im a wicked Chanel fan...... uhhh.....

Erin Lidstone - 01/04/99 17:57:17
My Email:doodoodoodoo@hotmail.com

Hi It's me Erin I was on tyson page so i thought i would look at yours

wiggy - 12/05/98 00:42:08
My Email:topsecret

Hi Jonah. I love you page. I think it is soooo cool and your a totally hot babe. Your Philippeno right! Anyhow I have to go now but you may hear from me again really soon. Your #1 fan.

Chase - 10/14/98 21:10:34
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SunsetStrip/Backstage/1557/
My Email:chase_z@oocities.com

HEy!! cool page... better than mine at least... i need to do some major repairs to it... later.

Shawn - 10/14/98 10:00:41
My URL:http://welcome.to/greatbigpicnic
My Email:gbpicnic@hotmail.com

Hello...Just a note to say Hi... come visit the GREAT BIG PICNIC Home of the GREAT BIG AWARDS...and nominate your site for an award...

10/11/98 09:58:05
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Andrea C - 10/06/98 02:18:36
My URL:http://travel.to/thecomfortzone
My Email:thecomfortzone@yahoo.com

Whooohoo Go Jonah! Finally got a site up, looks great, keep up the good work...everyone else, check out all the other Chantal sites too, they're all awesome!

Tyson19 - 09/30/98 03:45:13
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/sunsetstrip/amphitheatre/7079
My Email:punkrockersrule@hotmail.com

You......are......so......#@$%ing amazing!!! The 2'nd biggest master of html!!(next to me, poopypants!) Anyway...your page is soooo deep man! Later my lord!

ckpunk - 09/30/98 03:41:00
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SunsetStrip/Disco/7637/
My Email:chantalrocks@hotmail.com

Welcome to my Freakin' Amazing home page!^@#&*^*#&!! Say whatever you want, you can even swear but only if it is in an upbuilding manner.

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