Leave your email and we'll keep you posted on Sonic Revival gigs!

DRead - 05/01/99 09:28:34
My Email:DRead_2098@hotmail.com

Hey Boob, How's it goin', the site looks pretty good, the real audio is a great part, lots of info, looks good. gotta go must sleep. DRead

dave craig - 04/14/99 01:14:46
My Email:davecraig@lightspeed.bc.ca

I will douse myself in gasoline and light myself on fire as a promotional stunt for your band. The cost is $85 dollars, 30 beer, and a solemn oath that none of you will ever remove your pants on stage ever again. Let me know.

Rich Russell/Ground Zero - 02/12/99 23:14:20
My URL:http://www.slic.com/cheryl/jim.htm
My Email:rrussell@slic.com

Rock on guys! You sound great. The song Drive was cool. It was the only one I could get to play without a lot of net congestion. Liked what I heard. Keep it up! Rich

GROUND ZERO - 02/12/99 23:05:10
My URL:http://www.slic.com/cheryl/jim.htm
My Email:cheryl@slic.com

cool page guys keep up the good work.. check out Ground Zero.....

Wayne (Wheels) - 10/12/98 18:21:48
My URL:http://not yet, soon
My Email:Ironsides@imail.com

Hi Chris & Crew Oct 3 Press Club U guys are awsome & like your www page me I'm still wheelin... Have a great Thanx Giving!!

Bonnie Gunter - 10/12/98 13:52:53
My Email:guntej@vianet.on.ca

Hi Christopher Robin. Keep the faith baby - you and the band sound great. Love Mom & Dad Hi Tracy - hang in there - Bonnie & John

10/11/98 10:03:39
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

J. Coyne - 10/09/98 10:03:30
My Email:ja5ck@hotmail.com

Hello!I really enjoyed your show at the Press Club on the weekend. When are you playing again? I'd like to bring a bunch of people.

chris - 10/06/98 20:38:15
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/bourbonstreet/delta/2052
My Email:st5qs@bayou.uh.edu

cool page guys !! yall got some good info seeya chris h-town

Nevit - 10/05/98 07:10:58
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SoHo/Studios/9594/mod.htm
My Email:nevilo@@@ibm.net.do-not-spam

I hope you'll be added to search engines very soon...
I like Altavista it is better than any other SE in indexing the web.
Post to groups related to your topics...

Monkey man - 10/02/98 09:32:10

Ever since Platinum Blonde broke up I have been wandering empty, lost. Now those grey days are all behind me......

tania - 09/21/98 19:55:38
My Email:themoose@uniserve.com

bobby looks like he is on glue

Brian Swanton - 09/19/98 07:08:08
My Email:bswanton@uniserve.com

It's Brian from Dilate Promotions it's a smokin guys keep me informed as to what's going on.

Steven Cool - 09/19/98 00:33:29
My Email:stevencool@hotmail.com

hey,gunter! what's happen'n man? kickass picture on the homepage! that's you in the bubble rite? anyway... I wanted to goon your mailing list but it's connected to your drummers name so I can't go to that part of the site. help me out man?! gimme a call and let me know what's goin on ok?! later Coolio

- 09/18/98 23:11:58


alex smith - 09/18/98 23:11:31
My Email:rubberbugs@hotmail.com


eliza lau - 09/18/98 21:50:47
My Email:eliza@inergate.bc.ca

you guy's have to rock my ass

tick master - 09/18/98 18:39:15
My Email:colly

You guys look loike ya rock but ya need a gimmick. How about some spandex or hatred of Chistianity or go to a petting zoo during a busy day and biting the head off some animal? Y'all challenge my heterosexuality!! Fuck me!!!

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