Stuff I love

This is more or less a summary of stuff that makes me tick. If you don't care then use your back button now. The background is another thing I love. Popcorn! I like it with garlic powder on it. Yum! Vampires don't like people like me.

One of my favorite movies is Cabin Boy with Chris Elliott. One of these days (pending on a new computer) I plan on making a site for this movie. There are none out there, at least none that are listed.

Adam Sandler and Rob Schneider rock my world!! Imagine my surprise when I went to see the Waterboy and Rob was in it!! Two for the price of one. "You can do it" I guess you have to see the movie to understand that... If ever there is a dream boy for me (famous that is) it is these two.

"Amid the chaos of that day, when all I could hear was the thunder of gunshots and all I could smell was the violence in the air, I look back and I'm amazed that my thoughts where so clear and true. Those three words went through my mind endlessly, repeating themselves like a broken record: You're so cool, You're so cool, You're so cool."

That has to be my favorite quote from the movie, True Romance. I have spent my life looking for my own Clarence and I have yet to find him. I'm not even going to get started on my love for this movie because I could go on for a hundred years. If you happen to see Clarence, tell him I am waiting for him.

A Clockwork Orange. This movie is insane and so am I. I guess that's why I like it. Just check out these wacky quotes:

How are thou, thou globby bottle of cheap stinking chip-oil. Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles you unic jelly thou.

Oh bliss, bliss and heaven. Oh it was georgeousness and georgeosity made flesh. It was like a bird of rarest spun heaven metal, or like silvery wine flowing in a spaceship gravity all nonsense now as I slooshied I knew such pretty pictures.

If you want to see a cool page about this screwed up movie and book then just click here.

OK, if you didn't get it from the first page, I love Pee-Wee! I have quite the collection of P.W. memorabilia. I have liked him since 5th grade, regardless of what he did. You can find a link to him on my main page.

I love Jimmy Buffet. (See main page where I list ambitions in life. Just in case you missed it.) I would love to see him in concert but I have never had the chance. My mom listens to him. I remember driving in her car and listening to "Why Don't We Get Drunk" and every time it would come to the part where he says 'screw' my mom would turn down the volume. Like we didn't know what he was saying, sheesh.

There are two sites I suggest if you are a Parrot Head like me (or like I wish I was). The first is Jimmy's Official Page; The second is the site that lists all of the sites in the Parrot Head Web Ring.


Patsy is probably my overall favorite female singer. Nothing compares to her voice. I listen to her when I am sad and happy, it doesn't matter the mood she always makes me happy. I love to sing along although my sister, Heather, won't permit it when she is with me. See my page of stuff I resent for more on her (just kidding I don't have that page up yet).

People (Ones I like)

My friends and family mean the world to me but I don't have a scanner, hence, no pictures are posted here. I have so many "best" friends it's pathetic. I guess all my friends are 'best' something. If I listed them then someone would be all "Hey, how come I'm not there?" so I won't at least right now....

Well, duh, I love Cody the most of all. He hated me until he was about two years old. He didn't really hate me but he liked my sister and grandma better however now he hates Heather. He loves movies (especially toy story), animals, his toys, his nimeys (blankets), his family, and me! The kid is so cool! And his eyelashes are even longer than mine. Oh, the injustice!


That is something else I love. It's pretty hard to find a picture of that... If I don't laugh all the time I lose my way in life.

Warm Coke

Don't ask me why but I prefer pop (mainly coke) at room temperature. I just don't like ice. I guess it's just a little quirk of mine.

So, That's all your gonna get on this page. I might add more someday in the perfect world where free time is all there is. See ya! If you click on the cute little waving dragon you will end up at the main page, again.

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