

Not knowing what happened

Panic rushing in the clouds of dust

Horror as people trip over debris and are trampled on

Crying of a lost child

Screams of a hysterical mob

Forming an unheard outcry

Dirt under your finger nails as you claw at the walls

Blood forming a sticky puddle

Seeping out from under a collapsed wall

Moans from within the pile

Tears streaking your face muddy

Choking on the bad air

Pushed up against broken limbs

Slipping in a pile of vomit

Seeing what may or may not be your friend

Listening to sirens that cant save you

Praying to a god that is out to lunch

Pain - you finally look down at yourself

Seeing soiled reeking clothes

Watching your life pour through your hands

Smelling burnt meat

Falling to your knees

Realizing there is no hope

Swallowing the fear that wont leave

Knowing you will never see the sky again

Huddling in a crusty ball on the floor

Wishing that you werent alone

Dying - leaving the chaos behind


If the world werent right side up

Would we still be falling down

If the world was square and flat

Would it still be spinning round

If the sea was dark as night

Would we call it 'blind' not 'sea'

If humans were not meant to fly

How do we explain the bee

If tall was short and short was tall

Where would average come in play

If the day's as long as night

Why not 'night' instead of 'day'

If the mirror was inside out

Would that make the outside in

If Genesis is Orgins

Is it orgins of the Sin

If if were but a but

Is it still a question made

If love is for forever

Does it never start to fade

If trying wasnt easy

But winning in its place

If weddings are not funerals

Why are both still decked in lace

If you cant insult an enemy

But only a good friend

If hello were made goodbye

We'd never find

The End.


"Evening passed and morning came -

that was the first Day" -Genesis

Word by word account of God

Is it true or is it fraud

Not to know just what is true

Did He create all things a new

Were we present at the start

Or did we come from in His heart

In an order nicely planned -

Light & Dark, sky, water, land

And on this land He made a seed

And from this seed all we would need

Creatures came into the sea

And after them, we came to be

But is it right in every way?

Where does symbolism come in play?

In a garden did we grow

Or from the apes, how will we know

So we are left with dreadful doubt

Of what we cannot figuire out

Science versus Religious Thought

Denying all the Preacher taught

Evening passed and morning came

Day's the giving holy name

But with all of our scientific sight

The techno term we know is Night.

**~It's In the Bag~**

"Its in the Bag"

Ominously said without a glance my way

"Its in the Bag"

Cold voce proclaims darkening my day

"Its in the Bag"

I start to shake and then begin to pray

"Its in the Bag"

He says to me - and thats where it will stay

"Its in the Bag"

His velvet voice caresses with a sigh

"Its in the Bag"

I'm begging God - Let it be a lie

"Its in the Bag"

His eyes are dark as i begin to cry

"Its in the Bag"

Echoes softly as i wish to die

"Its in the Bag"

And i thought - there is no doubt of that

"Its in the Bag"

My eyes dart round - halting when he sat

"Its in the Bag"

He gently spoke and gave my cheek a pat

"Its in the Bag"

And of course - I knew where it was at

"Its in the Bag"

He orders me and i couldn't hide

"Its in the Bag"

And naturally the bag was at my side

"Its in the Bag"

He picked it up - His motto newly cried

"It's In The BAG!!!"

I held my breath and i looked inside. . .

**~Death's Kiss~**

Sweet kiss of death

So forbidden and cold

Brought by the Dark Stranger in the night

Giving Complete ecstacy to the innocent

Striking swiftly

Causing pain

Leaving nothing but a shell to bury

In the cold ground

On which it now lays


I really dont care enough to say

I love you in any single way

We've been together for so long

That all we used to have is gone

No matter why this has to be

Please accept this graciously

Together forever is what we were

Though now to me, you're just a blur

Forgive me please and dont forget

How we felt when we first met

So i must say this with a sigh

MY final word to you is -bye

**~The Palaver~**

It's just too much for me to bear

The way i cannot make amends

For all that's wrongfully assumed

The problems evil rends

Are not to me or of me

Unconciously directed towards me

Destruction of my sanity

And of my very soul.

I plainly do not understand

I cant accept this daunting fate

'Will Not' is my beseeching cry

My tears sound with their rightful mate,

MY sorrow, as it does relieve me

Of the very pain shed for me

To contemplate insanity

To fester in my mind.

My moods arent simply a relieving

Of my feelings deep inside

Outer layers of inner anger

Resurface only to rehide

I am biased deep within me

To all those that do surround me

Living life quite mundanely

Not expressing what is true.

With my every conversation

There's no doubt of what i say

Small joys that one finds in trouble

Causing me to mend my ways

So continue on discussing with me

Talk of distant lands about me

IT pulls me as does gravity

To the center of this realm.

No matter what my heart or sorrow

I'll dream my dreams until tomarrow

Until i find the only portal

Loves lost secrets yet to barrow

Fulfillment not yet finding me

Though that hardly bothers me

Yet i still day dream silently

Of having the last word.

**~Dying for Quiet Rain~**

As the colour streaked grey against the windows i stared at the scars that screamed from my writst 'Not Deep Enough' - that's what they said over and over again. To get away, fleeing to the window to watch the pouring kiss as it dampened my face and licked the ground which was spiraling before me. 'Dive into that kiss,' each drop whispered. 'Swim in me' Begged the ground. And the sky was open to me as i perched delicatly on the ledge of love- 'Let me fly' i wished, spreading my bleeding arms to the soul of the world and i let go - Drowning in the kiss as i crawled through misty tears and hope. Finally silencing the shrieking words as i was swallowed by the deep greyness and was nomore.

*if i need to dream to hold you near

Grant to me Eternal sleep*


i swallowed a pill, a tiny pill, it was the colour blue

and since it's shade was factory made i gave in and had two.

And, yes, this treat did not taste sweat, but i enjoyed the water

That pressed my thirst down in my throat, as i had another.

Now at four, i thought, one more, but slipped another three

And at this time my vision blurred so i could barely see.

When tiny sips leaked through my lips, i found more on my tongue.

As to how those tablets got there, recollection? i have none.

I knew it was a large amount but at this point i lost my count

So i just took another few, thinking, what harm could it do?

I felt my body start to sag as my shoulders met the floor

But when i tried to take a pill i found out that there were no more.

My water bled a spreading stain as it crawled across the ground

And when i tried to sip it up, there was no liquid to be found.

I felt myself begin to fade, my soul surrend'ring to the night

My drugged blindess dissapating in the haze of dreamy light.

I fall into your open arrms, quite warm and comforting do i find

My dreamy Love, i've come to you, and left the dead real world behind.

**~When Sorry's Not Enough~**

i think i died the other day

i just curled up and blew away

i cant forget the words ive said

they scream and shriek within my head

i beg with you to take me back

and forgive my hate attack

i was cruel and filled with strife

Slicing you with my wordy knife

without you i am stuck in hell

and since you''ve left im just a shell

you were each and every breath

that sustained my life and cheated death

the life that pulsed with in my soul

then you broke free and left this hole

My heart is gone it went with you

each bloody tear went with it too

This desperate ache that burns in me

Built up fast and then tore free

Without you i was dead inside

So why allow that truth to hide

So yes i died the other day

i just curled up and flew away