
Christine's Fumblers Club is a club based only on Sarah Mclachlan. Once a member, you can join in on chat with other members, post favorite web pages, or your own. You can post messeges for all the other members to see, or respond to someone else. You can even make a photo album of all your favorite Sarah photos. If you have Yahoo messenger, thats even better, but if not, thats fine too. All thats required is a yahoo membership, which you can get free email too. Check out my club and see what you think. Once there, it will say your a guest. If you already have a yahoo membership, then click on 'join', and join the club. If your not a member, then click on 'join' and it will promt you to set up an account and join the club. Yahoo accounts are good to have because Yahoo! is one of the best search engines the internet has to offer. If it gets too complicating, then email me and I will invite you. I hope to see you there...


Fumblers wished Sarah a 'Happy Birthday'. She turned 38 on January 28th.

You should come join the club and join in the fun. It's great to talk to so many different wonderful people, that also happen to adore Sarah Mclachlan too. There's several clubs in Yahoo!, but this one is a must join :o) Come join us today.

Come join this New Yahoo Club!

Fumblers Club


My user name is 'chmdenny', I am the founder of the club. My co-founder Andy is very helpful. His username at the club is 'ADMopar1'. Don't hesitate to ask either of anything if you have questions. Come check outfumblers today. If you'd like to check out all the yahoo clubs, go to yahoo and type in Sarah's name to get a listing. I hope to see you there.


Tribute to Sarah McLachlan

Fumblers Club