All you ever wanted to know 'bout me.
Hi there! I decided to type up a little bit about about me, to enlighten all of you on the "mystery" behind the Dreaming Tree.

Let me start by saying that I'm a huge fan of Dave Matthews Band. ;)

I was named Rebekah, by my parents Jan Aldrich and David Cool (who have been divorced since the beginning of time) but I like to call myself a number of things, like RC (my initials), Hakeber (my name spelled backward,) and Munchie, a name given to me by my pal Monkey. I'm also called "sis" by my brother Josh. We don't have the same parents, though.

Moving on, I like to watch Comedy Central and make fun of MTV, and My favorite movies are Showgirls, Princess Bride, Lost Highway, and Monty Python's Search for the Holy Grail. Talk about hilarious!
Favorite songs are.. Warehouse, #41, Spoon, Halloween, Pay For What You Get, and Cry Freedom.
I'm 5'3" and I don't weigh much, so I'm often referred to as "the munchkin" but that is okay because I have a large personality (how cheesy is that!) ;)

I live in a town of about 35,000 called Puyallup (Pew-All-Up) which is right outside of Tacoma, in the state of Washington. it's a nice town but I'm lookin' to move sometime.

Also, I turned 20 on June 14th so please send money if you mised it..

If you have any other questions for me, please feel free to e-mail me, and I will respond, if I feel like answering you.

You can mail me at or please choose wisely.

Thanks, and enjoy your time here at The Dreaming Tree.