CoOl LyNx PaGe
Here are just a handful of my favourite sites on the net sites. So I urge you to check some of em out!

 Hotmail This is the best-of-the-best in terms of email sites. It's fast and very
 easy to use, but most of all it's FREE!!!! So if you don't have an email or you
 already do (but don't like it) come here and get your new email address today.

 Anzwers This is a search engine that is pretty cool does most things and probably more than any other search engine around. Come in and find absolutely anything you want.

 Geocities Chat Do you want to someone one the otherside of the planet or on the otherside of the street, well come here and you can do just that. And it's really good too!

 Show no Mercy Within this site you will find images of the the most gruesome things that can happend to man. You will find images that range from murder and suicides to car accidents and executions.

I strongly erge you to only enter at your own will, If you think that you can't handle don't go in there. The stuff contained in this site is very awful, so enter only at your own risk because you may be either traumatised for life or have nightmares for a week...
 Freethemes What more can I say than that otherthan it's brought to you by Tucows, and you can get pretty much any desktop theme you desire.

 Cool graphics on the web Click here and you will have at your disposal some 500,000 FREE!!! backgrounds, Icons, Gifs, Clip Art and web graphics to choose from How cool is that!

 Play Now cheats, tips and codes You want game codes for some of your favourite pc, nintendo 64 and playstation games, then come here and get em.

 Arcade Cheats This link is exactly that, most of the current and some of the old arcade machine cheats and codes, so you can kick some serious arse!