My Cherished


With Friends Around, You Are Never Blue!

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Music LineBrose - My darling husband!! Sometimes if you are lucky enough, someone comes into your life and changes everything for the better. You have done this for me Rod. We started out as friends and over time that friendship grew into a bond of love and trust. You have shown me understanding, compassion and true love. I truely believe it was fate that brought us together and I feel so blessed for meeting someone like you! I never thought I would find that speical love the you hear songs written about but with you I have! You are my knight in shining armor and I love you very much.

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music noteSage - My special cyber sis! We sure have been through hell and back, hey girl? If there is such a thing as a cosmic connection, well that's exactly what we have. We may not be born of the same blood but that does not mean that you are not like family to me. You will always be my Sis no matter what anyone says and I will never stop loving you.

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music note Susan - My "younger" cyber sis from good old Madison, a city I love very much. Susan you are a joy and I am so glad to have met you and count you as my friend. Your kindness and warmth are such a joy and I couldn't ask for a sweeter "little" sis!

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music note Trella - One of my dear friends from our old chat site. We lost touch for a few weeks girl, but it was a wonderful surprise to find you again. I so enjoy each and every one of your emails, Trella. Where you find some of them I will never know, but keep them coming because they are the best! Just like you! It was such a treat to finally meet you and I hope we can get together again, because our time together just seemed so short. Loved the kumumbalee girl!!! Now, we all must get together and enjoy it next time! *hugs* Sweetie!

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music notes Tammy - What can I say? I bless the day I found your posting on Colin's Bulletin Board. I had no idea who I was replying to that day I answered your post, but have been thankful every day since. Who else could I spend hours and hours with talking and dreaming about our favourite topic—Colin James! Some day, girl, it will happen you and me together, front row centre taking in the spectacle that is CJ!

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music notesStrawberry - My dear friend from the beautiful BC coast! I am so happy to have met you girlie! You are always a joy to talk to and have the biggest, most giving heart that its an honor to call you my friend! Just like the view you get from your window every are just as lovely. Keep smiling g/f!! *hugs*

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music notes Moose - Your sense of humour is amazing Moose. Your way with words is like a breath of fresh air to me. You have the most wonderful ability to bring a huge smile to my face no matter how terrible I’m feeling. Whenever I need a laugh, I know I can get one from you, Moose. Your compassion and true love for each and every person is a wonderful gift and I am so glad to have gotten to know you and call you my friend.

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music notes Sara - My cyber daughter who I love dearly. I remember when we first met and then suddenly you went through a trying time in your life and "mommy" stepped in to try and make it all better. *S* You are a love and you know your Dad and I adore you! I enjoy being a cyber grandma too!! *hugs to you and darling Jay!

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music notesLizzy - Oh Sweet Lizzy!! You are a shear delight and a joy! I remember the exact day that we met, I was passing the time away waiting for my Brose to make his long trek from Iowa when we met in Storm. Your wit, charm, intelligence and personality far exceeds your age my dear!

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music notes Elizabeth - To the lovely Elizabeth, what can I say? Since the day we finally met face to face I knew you were just as much fun in real time as you are in chat. You always know how to have fun and always remember, when you need someone to share that tequila with....count on me hon! *hugs*

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music notesLKS - Im so happy that you and I started chatting. Its funny how all that time that Ive known of you but now that Ive gotten to know you I truly like you very much and am so pleased to call you my friend. I always love seeing you come online and you know a gal can never have too many girlfriends! Your a true sweetheart!

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music notesTung - A true southern gentleman who always knew how to treat a lady. A friendship that I will always cherish and I will truely miss. You left this earth much too early and so suddenly I feel that you were taken from me but I know that the good Lord has you in His hands now and will always keep you safe and happy. I miss you hon, but feel so blessed to have been able to share a small part of your life. It's a true honor to have had you as my BIGGEST brother! I will never forget you!!!

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music notesShyOne/Rebecca - If it wasnt for my darling Brose I never would have met you. Now that I have Im so grateful. You are truly one of a kind and loving person and I am so happy to call you FRIEND! *HUGS*

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music notesNaughty Nephew - You silly crazy Brit you! Not sure how I became your Auntie but Im not complaining. When they made you they certianly broke the mold dear! Your funny, sweet, kind and caring! I couldnt ask for a better nephew or a better friend! Your a love! *hugs*

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music notesHobbes - Well I think you know I am one of your biggest fans Jason. Your intelligence, wit, charm, not to mention sense of humor are certainly far beyond your years. I count myself lucky to be able to call you "friend". Who knows, maybe somday I might need a Dr. in Oregon and you know who Im going to come calling to! *S*

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This is just a small sample of the long list of unique and interesting people I have met during my years online. If your name is not here please do not take offense. I value and cherish each and every friendship or casual aquaintence I have made throughout the years and rest assured, you are always in my thoughts and prayers.

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For your listening pleasure:

The Thrill Is Gone, by BB King

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