On a recent trip to Las Vegas I found myself treated to a feast for the senses. The sights, sounds, and feelings were unlike any that I have experienced. The enthusiasm emanating from other visitors was infectious. I was in absolute awe, and in a childlike state, for the majority of my trip.

Flying into Las Vegas, one can understand why people are attracted to this colorful oasis in the desert. Through the window of the plane the bright neon is as bright as the light of day. Upon exiting the plane, an uncomfortable stickiness is created by the immense heat generated by the neon lights. The glitter and flash makes you feel like a child at the summer fair. It is one of the few places on earth where you need sunglasses during the night.

The long daytime walks coupled with soaring mercury levels, makes a day on the ‘strip’ virtually intolerable. Gulping the dry, hot air produces an insatiable thirst. A constant supply of tall, cool drinks, along with T-shirts, shorts and sandals are necessary to overcome the overwhelming fire of the desert. Thankfully our gracious hosts have provided ample protection from the heat by way of air conditioned casinos. Unfortunately this luxury comes at a cost.

Persistent bells and chimes tickle the ears inviting gamblers into the temples of promised riches. Upon entering, one is immediately welcomed by the intoxicating laughter that laces its way through the smoky air. The continuous clanking of coins, from the one armed bandits, raises one’s hopes of instant wealth. After discovering a lack of gambling skill, one is thrust, once more upon the street. With every step the enticing sound from behind fades. Each new step, however, amplifies the tempting noises from the neighboring casino.

The city that never sleeps offers numerous pleasures. An endless barrage of stimulation entertains eyes, ears and body. After a weekend, a feeling of exhaustion strikes. It is due to over stimulation. Obviously a recuperation period is required before a normal life can be resumed. Although at times draining, the city breeds an excitement that is immeasurably greater than most other holidays.