My view, from the cheap seats...

I'm just your average Josephine. Yep, that's me. I like to come home from work, flop on the couch and watch BSB videos incessantly while I finish my paperwork. I'm partial to midnight rendezvous with the refridgerator, Jane Austen books, and crankin' the stereo whenever the Boys or another fave come on the radio. I'll spend an hour getting ready to run out to the grocery store, and even longer when I make an excursion to someplace special. I'm not embarassed to drool over the 2000 calandar with the teenyboppers at the mall, nor am I ashamed to admit that I've watched the All Access vid AT LEAST a thousand times. Why? Cuz, that's me.

Yep, my view from the cheap seats is pretty damn good, and I have no qualms about taking advantage of that fact. This lil corner of MANIA is mine; mine to rant and rave in. That's right, this is the forum where I'll discuss the issues to my heart's content without worrying about whether or not Kel is gonna slug me if I bitch and moan about one more little thing. Please remember, the opinions contained within these cyber-walls are mine. I'm not attempting to shove my thoughts, feelings, or values down your throat. In fact, I'm not even forcing you to be here. This is just my personal space to utilize as I will. So - live with it. Better yet, build your own webpage and dedicate a section of it to yourself! Besides....I can't afford therapy, this is the closest thing I've got!

Where exactly are the cheap seats, you ask? I'll give you a clue: If you hang a right on your way out of the kitchen, skirt around the fireplace, and dodge that oak coffee table, you're there. I recommend sitting in section 'B', the middle cushion of my tattered hunter green living room couch. It's easier to reach the popcorn and margarita on the afore mentioned oak monstrosity, and you get a head on view of the state of the art 24" TV screen. But that's just personal preference. Now, here's a look at the world -

From Where I Sit.......

Nasty Little Thoughts...otherwise known as, "Guilty Pleasures". The commentary you NEVER thought you'd here from me...

Backstreet Grab much to comment on, so little time.

The Backstreet Sin Wagon

R-E-S-P-E-C-T The Grammy Awards

Wedding Bells for Backstreet

Got The Life... My speculation on the Boys' struggle for love and Brian's supposed engagment.

Show Me The Meaning....of equal screen time. Part two of my review.

Show Me The Meaning...of a decent video. At long last, the Boys make on honorable showing.

WWTT? vs. WWTGARA? Two prominent campaigns deconstructed by yours truly.

A Night of Glamor and Glitz: The Billboard Awards

It's All About The Benjamins, Baby

Make A Wish Scandal

The Latin Lover An explanation of my devotion to the Sweet D

Larger Than Life

The MANIA overtakes Seattle The Boys in MY House.

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