hh01478A.gif (2560 bytes)Thoughtshh01478A.gif (2560 bytes)

Here are some deep thoughts... some of them are mine... some were written by my pals... I like 'em...

To see the people's thoughts and stuff  please click on the green  words or the picture if provided ... I did it this way so that you people would hafta suffer.. having to wait forever long for this page to come up ..

My descriptions really bite.. you just got to to read the stuff...

EARTHSPIN.GIF (23976 bytes)jades view of the world - this is from a lil' convo that took place a while back... it really got me thinking for a while... its about people in this world...

hh01518A.gif (838 bytes)mail to the world - I think I was going a bit crazy here.. I got to thinking about how terrible things are... but not once did I talk about what's good.. I guess I was being human... included is what Ginger had to say about it too...

confusing poem - Jade started all this... it was kinda freaky... started out with one strange poem, that she responded to... it made me confused... "it makes you think"...

HEARTBEAT.GIF (6533 bytes)life and love - Here Levi and I talk about... well...life and love... and how corrupted society is...

kermit_s.jpg (19034 bytes)words from the wise -Jade gave this to me.. its really cool.. you know from the Muppet Movie... when Kermit (the green frog) sings the "Rainbow Connection" at the beginning.. well if you actually read what he says its so beau--tiful...  you'd never think a funny look'n puppet like him could have such deep thoughts... hehe...

EMAILLETTER.GIF (2241 bytes) If you have any of your own thoughts or would like to say something about the ones above... perhaps you wanna yell at all of us and tell us we all are hypocrites or whatever... feel free to e-mail them to me at: marc_sux@yahoo.com .. its cool to hear real people talk about stuff like this...

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