> The
Five Finger Discount

A curse? Hah, you may say that is silly. But one cannot over look the evidence that supports this theory. It all started in Mr. Cross's gym class during wrestling. The incredible drummer Trevor Holland was taking on the massive and bloated Jason Straw. Trevor of course was whooping some major butt, when Jason felt the need to throw his massive fat self onto Trevor's unsuspecting foot. And at the moment of impact we all knew Trevor's foot was broken. And so the first member of Five Finger Discount has been taken out.

Next to go was Matt. We were all enjoying great conditions on the school ski trip. In the last half hour of skiing we had left, we all decided, being the fat idiots that we all are, to go off a figeddy fat jump. Everyone was falling left and right, no one was safe not even the great Julien. And when Sasha had the monster spill , with his huge self going all over the place, we knew this was a good jump. As Matt went off the jump he knew it was not good. He landed leaning back on his skis. With one swift motion Matt was crashing all about in a cloud of kicked up snow. And with a huge crack, his leg was broken. And so the second member is down.

Victim #2

So now two members are gone. While we are all still considering the two accidents a strange coincident, we were all on the tennis courts at lunch. And like always, we were goofing off. I looked over and saw Nathan fly through the air and barely land on his feet. Nathan had sat on the tennis net and Trevor pushed down on it and then pulled up really fast and Nathan went flying. Trevor cheered saying, "That was awesome! Let's do it again!" So they setup to do it again. Only this time, Tony, Paul, Brendan, and Trevor were all pulling on the net. As they pushed down in unison on the net and pulled up with an incredible force, Nathan was launched! He flew nearly ten feet in the air and almost fifteen feet out. As he was in the air he started to flip back a bit and his feet went higher than his head. And when he hit the ground, he hit it hard. First hitting his shoulder and head then his arms and the rest came down to earth. When he finally hit the ground, he was staring straight off into space with a blank stare on his face and I knew right then, he was unconcious. A single, slow cheer came out of the crowd. It was Zach who being the mongoose he is thought it was joke. Nathan had a broken shoulder, a broken wrist, and not to mention one hell of a headache.

Victim #3


Last week Steve, Nathan, Peter and some other friends were ballin' (playing basketball) during lunch time at school. I wasn't there, so I'm not absolutely sure at what happened, but I think it went something like this: There was a big basketball game goin on at lunch, everyone was getting into it...especially Peter. When he get's into it, he get's crazy. And I mean crazy. He's fast as hell and can jump people, so when someone shot the ball and missed (it was probably Brendan B.) both Peter and Steve went up for the rebound, but even with Steve bein the taller one of them, Peter went higher and came down on top of Steve, punching him right in the eye. Hard too, and by accident. It left Steve with a big black eye and living proof the curse continues.
So now that you have seen the evidence you tell me if it is a curse or just a bunch of random coincidences?