The next morning I arrived at work and Mr. Denner was already bustling around. He didn't mention the pictures he gave me but I thanked him for them anyway and expressed gratitude that he hadn't published them all. He gave me his traditional harrumph and said, "I don't know why I saved them. I never expected you to come back here and I had a number of generous offers for them. Of course, I refused. Public humiliation as punishment is one thing but letting strangers have the pictures seems tawdry. They're yours to destroy but you probably won't. I understand that most, if not all of the young woman who suffered a Community Service keep the those things. Why is totally beyond me but what do I know? I'm just an old coot who has a paper to put out. Enough of this, we can't stand here chatting all day."

I saw through his grumpiness and gave him a hug. He harrumphed again but held me close for a moment. Then we got to work. There was a big story about the PTA meeting and the science fair at the high school and a small fire at one of the farms near here. So it was a busy day for us. I had become more than a receptionist. I was his assistant and thoroughly enjoyed learning about the newspaper business. Lunch was catered if you consider sandwiches from Dana's diner as catering. By the time we finished I had only a little time to get home, take a shower and put on a dress before Pete was at the door.

He worked in the lumber mill so a suit was not his normal attire. However, the one he wore was a perfect fit and he was gorgeous. He expressed similar views regarding my outfit and we laughed when we both spoke the same words at the same time. Basically that we couldn't wait to get each other out of those clothes.

He had his pickup truck but his manhood was not threatened to have me drive my little blue car. Besides, it gave me a chance to get the feel of the ever-changing road system with an experienced guide. Since his hands were not on a steering wheel he used them to take indecent liberties from time to time. I had to slap his hand away from my thigh so I could concentrate on driving but a mile or two later it was back and sliding higher before I took defensive action again. When I finally parked the car at the restaurant he made a final foray and discovered that his previous advances were not entirely objectionable. I moaned as his finger stroked me and leaned over to kiss him. I whimpered, "I'm not really hungry. Let's go back to my place."

He put my hand where I could feel that he had similar thoughts and he nibbled on my ear as he whispered, "I fully intend to share your bed tonight but I want to want you and you want me for a long time before we do anything about it."

He got out and came around to my side of the car. As soon as I was on my feet he had his arms around me and our lips connected. Wow, this town must have a kissing school and so far I found three graduates of their advanced course. He gave my bottom a little swat as we headed to the restaurant. I smiled and asked if I could expect more of that. He pulled me close to his side and answered, "Maybe a swat or two but it's time you learned that not every guy here has to spank a girl before sex. Which is not to say I'm against the practice. I'll make you a deal. First thing tomorrow morning I'll prove it to you."

He says the nicest things.

The Moving Finger was just as he described. Quiet, very romantic and the food was excellent. We talked about his job, sex, my job, more sex, life in Riverton, even more sex. True to his word he kept me wanting him and he occasionally had to shift position so I knew the way we were talking kept his desire up, if you get my drift.

There actually were some good musicians around. A small quiet jazz trio played while we danced. Luckily the dance floor was not well lit since what I felt when he held me close would have been difficult for him to hide under bright lights. I got the feeling a few of the other men dancing with their ladies might have the same problem. Of course, feeling that against me and his arms around me made it hard for my legs to hold me up as we swayed to the music.

Needless to say, I was no condition to navigate the elusive roads so I gave him the keys. The cad not only drove as if he didn't have a zipper ready to burst at the seams (which he did) but let his fingers do the walking up and down my thigh. By the time we got to my apartment I not only had my dress up to my waist but I was in violation of Municipal Code 509.25 Paragraph 1.

He carried me up the stairs and for a moment I thought I was going to do the attack each other with our clothes on thing but he had other ideas. He carried me to the bed and then kept me in delicious suspense as he took off each item and expressed his marvel at whatever part he just exposed. I was in such a state I didn't notice that he alternated between disrobing me and himself so when there was nothing left to take off of me he was equally devoid of clothes. Even so he did some wonderful things with his lips and teeth before he finally slid in me and it was heavenly. I then understood what Jessica was talking about when she said Pete could keep her on the edge for hours. It was a wonderful torture. I wasn't going to swear off spanking as foreplay entirely but this was a nice change. A very, very nice change.

I woke up to my alarm clock at an ungodly hour. Then I remembered that Pete had to get up early to get to work. I poked him and got a sweet kiss in return. After a quick trip to the bathroom he sat on the edge of the bed and patted his thigh. The nature of his invitation was obvious but he explained it anyway. "I said I was going to give you a good spanking first thing in the morning and I am a man of my word."

It seemed appropriate to start my second week as a resident of Riverton with a warm bottom. So I was not a bit reluctant to lay across his lap. In fact, I was becoming quite comfortable in this position.

I don't want to get too far ahead of myself but before the day was over I would feel numerous hands slapping my rear end and not all of them male. My new-found attitude towards spankings was going to be sorely, (and I do mean sorely) tested. But back to Pete.

He adjusted me to his liking and that's when I learned that a good spanking does not necessarily mean a long or hard one. What he gave me consisted more of flicking fingertips with just enough impact to qualify for the title. He was showing me that the anticipation for a warm bottom was almost enough to make the lightest touch seem electric. So as he promised, it was a very good spanking and when we moved to the next step I was as hot as if he gave me a full dose. The ensuing romp was just as exciting and satisfying as I had come to expect.

Afterwards he got dressed even as I coyly invited him to come back to bed. He smiled and said it was a very tempting invitation but he had to get to work since Saturdays were busy at the lumber yard.

I pouted but it didn't do me any good. I kissed him at the door and he said, "I'll be thinking of you all day. Are you really coming to the party?"

I nodded and he continued, "Great. It's always better when the number of guys and girls are equal. See you tonight."

As long as I was awake I put on my robe, made the bed, had breakfast and did a little house-cleaning until the doorbell rang. Jessica and Betty said they wanted to take a shopping trip to the outside world and invited me to go along. With a smile Betty said, "Actually we need you to be our guide. We've never gone out there by ourselves."

I said I would be delighted and they came in while I took a fast shower. When I went to my bedroom to get dressed I was surprised to see them sorting through the pictures from the manila folder. My first response was anger and then embarrassment but before I could voice any objection Jessica spoke. "Wow. These are even better than the ones Maryellen kept under her mattress. Of course, you're a little older and much sexier that she was. I hope I can be that beautiful when I get my marriage paddling but it won't be nearly as bad as this. Getting the strap and the paddle has got to be far worse. And then to add Reverend Archer was horrible. She's famous for her hairbrush spankings so I can just imagine how much it hurt not to mention the humiliation of going over her lap like a young child. It must have been horrible."

Betty answered for me. "I can speak from personal experience that it is."

Jessica and I looked at her in surprise. Jessica asked, "When did that happen?"

Betty blushed slightly as she told us about it. "Abigail Archer and I were good friends in high school. You met Abby last Sunday. She's married to Andrew. Anyway, my folks went on a vacation and I stayed with the Archers. To make a long story short, Abby and I got into trouble. A lot of trouble and although we were old enough to be eligible for a Community Service her mom decided to save us that embarrassment. Of course, the alternative wasn't very pleasant but we didn't have much choice. She had the same authority over me as my parents so it was going to be the hairbrush for both of us. The three of us made the trip up the stairs and you can bet Abby and I were not too happy. I was sent to the guest room to wait my turn as my friend was escorted to the master bedroom. I didn't want to listen but it was impossible not to hear what was happening. Abby had told me how she was punished so I knew what to expect. It's a given that girls that age were chastised severely but listening to what I was going to get next was frightening."

"The voices were muffled but you know when you're hearing astern lecture even if you can't make out the exact words. Then a moment of silence and I could almost see what was happening. My ears confirmed it when I heard the first slap of Mrs. Archer's palm on her daughter's backside. At first I didn't hear anything from Abby but it wasn't long until her cries filtered through the wall. They got worse and worse but the spanking didn't slow down in the slightest. I knew I was not going to get anything less and was dreading when it would be me making those sounds. Did I say 'dreading'? More like absolute terror when the only noises were from Abby. I realized that what I had listened to was just her mother's famous warm-up. A minute later the crack of the hairbrush and the resultant screech assaulted my ears. I understand the actual application only lasts ten minutes but it seemed like an hour as I anticipated my bottom receiving similar treatment. It was almost as bad as the actual event."

She took a breath and we demanded to know what happened next. "It was quite a while after the spanking stopped before the door opened and I saw Abby run down the hall to her room. She was naked, carrying her clothes and still crying. I barely had a chance to notice her before I saw Mrs. Archer standing in my doorway. She beckoned me to join her and my heart was in my throat as I went to my doom. The first order of business was for me to strip. Girls that age are easily embarrassed to be nude in front of grownups so this humiliation was just a normal part of a standard punishment."

I interrupted to ask about that and she seemed surprised at my naivety. "I don't know about other households but I always had to take my clothes off before presenting myself for punishment."

Jessica chimed in. "I know what you mean. I had to do the same thing. At least Mrs. Archer took you to her room. In my home punishments were a family affair and my brothers had a good knowledge of the naked female body even before they started dating. Of course, once Mom started on my rear end it didn't make any difference who was looking but it made the lectures almost unbearable. When you're naked you don't even think of saying anything except Yes Ma'am and Yes Sir. And you're almost hoping to get on with the spanking."

Betty nodded. "Exactly but since I had just had an aural preview of what was on the agenda I would rather have stayed there and listened to her deride me for a long time. Unfortunately, as much as her words stung it was nothing compared to the sting that followed. If I were at home I would be bending over the arm of the couch for the strap but not with Reverend Archer. I had to go over her knees. I hadn't been in that position for punishment since I was a little girl and that's just what I felt like as I settled down. She spent the longest time adjusting my position and I think she knew what she was doing. I was embarrassed and she was making sure that my humiliation was at its peak before she started the warm-up spanking. That was an ordeal in itself and I was crying as energetically as Abby had when it was over. She let me compose myself a bit and then the hairbrush landed. If it seemed like an hour to listen to Abby it felt like an eternity as it drove its lesson into my bottom. I was hoarse from screeching and was reduced to sobbing when she finally stopped. She let me lay on her lap for the longest time and sweetly rubbed my back and spoke soothingly. When I could stand I quietly gathered my clothes and spent the next few hours crying into the pillow on the bed."

She looked at me. "When these pictures were taken you were a stranger getting paddled for violating our silly laws so I wasn't particularly sympathetic. But when Reverend Archer took you over her lap that changed. I really felt sorry for you."

I thanked her and we had a little group hug. It was not pleasant to hear but it served to remind me that spanking was not only a common sexual practice but it was also used in the more traditional manner to raise children. I pointed out that my bottom wasn't the only one scheduled for the hairbrush that night and Betty said, "I know. Poor Jenny. She looked so forlorn when she and her Mom left. I knew what she was in for. Still, we've all been spanked and hate it when it's happening but looking back, we appreciate the discipline they taught us."

Since we were on the subject I asked if they were allowed to use the lotion afterwards.

Betty answered with a laugh. "No way. A bottom stinging from punishment had to stay that way. The day after Abby and I got it we both said a Community Service might have been better. A lot more embarrassing and maybe even a but more painful but at least we could've put the lotion on two hours later. As it was, our discomfort at breakfast was testament to the hairbrush's effectiveness. It was not until supper that we could sit comfortably. Parents here feel that punishment should extend beyond the actual spanking and believe me, in that case it did."

Jessica added, "I guess most of us have tried to sneak some on but a parental eye can tell if you're faking it when you pretend to squirm on a hard seat or anything. The one time I tried it the result was another spanking to refresh the sting which meant a complete reprise of the original. Then another one the next day for trying to avoid the full effect of the first punishment. No, it's better to just let it hurt and endure it the best you can."

Betty concurred and giggled. "Although that's not always a bad thing. Sometimes I like to hold off on the lotion after sex and then the next spanking is even better. You're going to find out what I mean tonight."

That led to a discussion of the party we were going to have later that evening. I already knew a bit about the special game we were going to play but they filled me in on all the details. Their descriptions were quite graphic and part of me was excited but hearing about something like that and experiencing it were two different things. So I was still a little nervous. It was well within the values of my new town but not what I was used to. I'll tell you more about it later.

We took Betty's car but they let me try and give directions. I only got lost twice but once we got to the interstate I was the one who knew the way. We had a real good time together and shared stories about our sexual experiences. They were most interested in the way we did it in my old world and were astonished to hear that I had never been spanked as foreplay before coming to Riverton. That led to hearing about how they got their first sexy spankings and humorous accounts of first dates. In many respects the inexperienced fumbling and awkwardness of mutual exploration was much like that of young people in my world. The big difference was the inclusion of spankings.

When we got to the city I gave them the grand tour of the sights before getting down to the real purpose of the trip. Shopping. They were especially pleased to find the stores that sold frilly and enticing unmentionables. Given the strong sexual nature of Riverton most of these items were available there but not in the variety we saw. Then we giggled our way through a store full of "Marital Aids" and other assorted objects. It would have embarrassed me to go into a place like that with anyone I knew before but not now. I even purchased an item or two that would be useful on nights when relief was a solo activity. I was not the only one with a bag full of goodies when we left.

We had a good lunch and then made our way back home. Believe it or not, I found the entrance road but then got lost again. When we got to my little house on the garage they both came up with me. I broke out some soda and we opened our treasures. I believe it was Betty who first suggested that we try on the lingerie but we were is such a silly mood we all agreed. In moment three women were naked but only long enough to put on our new bras and panties. We took turns posing for each other and I knew I wasn't the only one feeling very sexy,

Then Jessica held up the nipple clamps that I had sort of talked them into getting. I explained that some people make the woman put them on as a punishment and they can be rather painful. But if they didn't tighten them too much they would add to the fantasy of a man pinching or gently nibbling on them. Include a vibrator or two and it's almost as good as sex with another person. I got out mine from my bedside table and a demonstration was required.

I was a bit uneasy since all my special adventures, fantasy or real, had been heterosexual in nature. However, in our earlier chatting they explained that most girls in Riverton did quite a bit of exploration on each other during sleepovers. In fact, quite often the girl's first erotic spanking was delivered by a young girlfriend's hand.

In the spirit of accepting the norms of my new home I removed my bra. My nervousness lessened as they follow suit. I started rubbing my breasts as I explained that it was best if the nipples were engorged and very sensitive. They didn't need any instruction on that part and the quiet moans as we shared in the building pleasure removed all my inhibitions. When I was ready I put the first one on. They watched intently and seemed concerned when I grimaced. I quickly explained, albeit a little breathlessly, that it should be tight enough to hurt a little. Just like when the guys bite on them and the they should back off the pressure so it remains a reminder just shy of being too uncomfortable. I did the other one and was massaging my breasts as I watched them. I had to offer a little advice but they got the idea rather quickly. They had their eyes closed were enjoying the new sensations for a few minutes.

We had each gotten new vibrators to celebrate the occasion and it was almost funny as we scrambled to get them out of their packaging and install the batteries. It sounded like a swarm of bees as the sound of buzzing filled the room. First over the panties, then under the edge and finally we were all nude. Each of us had a slightly different technique of using them but the result was the same. I was in my own world of excitement when I felt someone take control of my toy. I opened my eyes to see Jessica using her free hand to guide it all around. Teasing my private button and then shoving it into me. She groaned and I saw Betty performing the same service for her. Not to be left out, I scooted around a bit so I could attend to Betty in like manner. At some point in our little triangle our free hands were squeezing each other's breasts and pulling at the clamps to get an extra moan of pleasure from the slight pain.

I'm not sure exactly how it happened but I ended up over Betty's knees and she was spanking me as Jessica continued working on me with the vibrator. I had a very obvious orgasm and they let me slide to the floor. Quick as a wink Jessica handed me a vibrator and had Betty in spanking position. As she reddened her friend's bottom I worked the toy around and into a frantic opening. When Betty came we switched positions again. Now Jessica was under my hand. I had never spanked anyone before but it's not something that requires a lot of study. I estimated the proper amount of force and was told later that I did an excellent job.

We all winced as the clamps came off and then giggled. We shared hugs and a few stray caresses in a manner I never thought I would share with another female much less two at once. Remember how I said I wasn't about to swear off spanking as foreplay but the way Pete made love to me was a nice change. Well, I felt the same way now. I was not about to give up sex with men but this was an experience I was willing to try again.

We applied the lotion to each other and then got dressed. Hugs again at the door and I sat back on my couch and contemplated the many ways my life had changed in the last week. In a few hours I was destined to expand my horizons even further. I had been undecided about the party but was now looking forward to it.

It was a pleasant evening so I walked to George's house. I was the first to arrive so I helped set out the refreshments. He held me so I was facing him and asked, "Do you know what's going to happen tonight?"

I nodded and he continued, "Are you ready for this? We understand that this is your first time and if things get beyond your comfort level please say so. We won't think less of you. The fact that you're here at all and prepared to give it a try is enough. We want you to be one of us and if it takes a little more time then we'll wait. It won't be as bad as your Community Service but I won't kid you; you're going to be spanked by all of us and it might hurt. In fact, some of the girls do a bit of crying but have never asked us to stop. The important thing is that if any of them did we would and the same goes for you. We're not going to force you into anything."

I smiled up at him. "I've had a few warnings already. Betty and Jessica gave me the full rundown. I've had a complete change of heart regarding spankings and I'm sure I can tell the difference between punishment and fun. Even if the level of pain is the same I'm willing to present my bottom to each of you. That is, as long as the rest of the fun is as good as I've heard. So the question is to you. Are you prepared to perform your part?"

He laughed, "I admit it can be a challenge but a delightful one. I'm really hoping I get to have you at least once."

He was in the process of curling my toes with one of his fantastic kisses when the doorbell rang and the rest of the gang joined us. There was six of us. The planned activities included uninhibited sex play so the married couple couldn't attend and Tony and Hannah said they already had plans for dinner with her relatives. The evening started with good conversation and local gossip. I was recognizing the people they spoke of and could offer a tidbit or two myself.

At last George clapped his hands to get our attention and said, "It's time to get started. I have the computer all set up and the program is calibrated to give us from one to three minutes of spanking. The break point can be anywhere between two and seven spankings. Even I don't know how long each one will be or when it will tell us to stop. Are we ready to begin?"

A chorus of affirmatives filled the room and he tossed a quarter in the air. He said, "Jessica, call it."

She shouted, "Heads." just before the coin landed.

Everyone looked at it and laughed. Pete said, "I think that thing is fixed. It's the fourth time in a row the girls have won. When will we get our chance to see them naked first?"

Betty poked him. "Don't be a sore loser. You'll get to see plenty of us. Now strip."

With playful grumbling the guys disrobed and then stood in front of us in their naked glory. Howard put his hands on his hips and said, "It's your turn ladies. Let's see what you've got to offer."

The games we played that afternoon helped me overcome my natural shyness of public nudity. However, we didn't take everything off all at once. We three shy maidens slowly unveiled ourselves. We coyly folded each piece of clothing and made sure our rear ends were prominently pointed in their direction as we bent over. When we were down to our new purchases we stopped and paraded around a bit. We smiled at the obvious effect. Although not completely ready for action we saw a few twitches as things started to grow. Jessica and I stepped back to let Betty have center stage and she finished the process. I might add she took her last items off as slowly and provocatively as possible. Jessica followed and then it was my time in the spotlight. I wasn't showing anything the people in this room hadn't seen before but I made the most of my striptease. I ended with my back to them and slowly inched my panties down while wiggling by bottom as if inviting the first spank. Then I turned and put my legs apart and raised my arms to give them a good look. I knew my actions were appreciated by the small applause and by the ever growing excitement of the men.

Three sturdy chairs were placed around the room and the men sat down. There was a bowl with their names in it and we each picked one out to see who we were going to start with. I was pleased that George would be my first spanker and stood by his side. He reached over to start the computer program and we waited anxiously for it to give us the signal. Instead of a simple beep, George had set it to use voice. I had to giggle when this disembodied machine said, "Ladies, get into position for your spanking."

I went across his lap and the next command was, "Gentlemen, spank your ladies."

True to his nature, he started right in with a few hard slaps. Then he slowed down to pace himself and kept a good sting going. When we heard, "Gentlemen, stop spanking." I stood up. The computer told us, "Ladies, go to your next spanker."

I moved to Pete and we followed the electronic instructions. My experience with him was less than a day old but this was not like the one this morning. He varied the landing sites and my bottom had a healthy glow as well as some heat when we played the "Stop spanking, go to the next spanker, get into position and start spanking" game again.

Howard's reputation as a slow spanker was barely evident. He was working on a fairly red bottom and got it really hot. Then I was back to George and after he almost brought me to tears the computer granted his earlier wish. It said, "Gentlemen, you may stop spanking but keep the woman to use for mutual pleasure. You have two minutes. Don't waste your time."

I love a computer with a sense of humor.

I only caught a glimpse of the other couples as he lifted me up and then settled me down facing him so I was happily impaled.

The two minutes was not nearly enough and I was still wanting more when the damn computer commanded us to change partners for another few rounds of spanking. This time I was on Pete's lap when it was time for intercourse. I was more than ready and let him know when I hit the top. I was vaguely aware of at least one other girl expressing the same joy.

I wanted to stay where I was and relish the afterglow but Mr. Computer had other ideas. Howard's spanking seemed to hurt more. Maybe because of my recent climax but let's not kid ourselves. I was on my ninth spanking and he wasn't going easy on me. I heard some sniffles and quiet cries from my sister's in suffering so I knew I wasn't the only one approaching my limit. However, I was not going to call a halt as long as they were willing to take more. We were three sorry looking women when we moved to the next lap and that's where it happened. I had tears streaming down my face but was turned on again even more than before as I lay over George's lap. That's when it happened. On his fourth of fifth swat I actually came just from being spanked. My tormentor/lover loudly announced that I had a "Spanking O" and spun me around for that delightful insertion. I lost count of how many times I went over the edge while bouncing up and down on him.

When George climaxed I was slumped in his arms and only then noticed that we all were ignoring the computer. The other two women were also being serviced continually until we were all satisfied. My bottom still ached from the abuse it took but the rest of me was quite happy. The other women had tried to tell me about the Spanking O but I thought they were kidding. It was turning out to be an enlightening evening and it wasn't over yet.

When we all caught our breath it was time for the lotion. It felt so good especially since the guys put it on us and the rough but gentle hands did more than just soothe the sting. Now it was orgy time. Six naked people rolling around with hands roving all over the place. Lots of kisses, nibbles, sucking, and poking. And if you must know, it wasn't only the guys putting their mouths to good use. Every so often one of them found the traditional and more socially acceptable sanctuary in me but never for too long. Pete had the greatest staying power and was the last one to finish. Wouldn't you know it? He choose me for the grand finale and I was a most willing receptacle for his lust.

After we were cleaned up and dressed we talked and laughed about the things we had done and that had been done to us. It was my first encounter with group sex and multiple spankings and like the other two new experiences I had that day, I knew it wouldn't be my last.

Pete walked me home and we held hands like two young lovers. It was so sweet and romantic to stop and look at the stars with a few kisses enroute. The way to my apartment went past his place and that's as far as we got. Plenty of kisses and the like but we were both too worn out to do much more. I had to giggle as we got ready for bed. It was a clich' but he wore the bottom half of his pajamas and I wore the top. A few more snuggles and I fell asleep in his arms.

Continue to the next chapter of the Life in Riverton.

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