Submit Band For Showcased Band Competion
The Unsigned Band Webring
Showcased Band
Radiocraft Logo
Radiocraft Picture
Radiocraft are an excellent unsigned band from Detroit in the US. The band consists of four members, Kevin Breslin (Guitars), Suzie Ferro (Vocals), Dave Press (Drums) and Ken Williams (Bass). They have recorded a 10 song demo CD with the title "A Good Demo". Most people who have seen the band say that they sound like: "Toad The Wet Sprocket", "Sarah Mclachlan", "Paula Cole" and "The Odds". The band are currently recording a new 4 song CD.

They won the showcased band feature by submitting the song "Grace's Garden". You can here the song by selecting one of the links below.

Grace's Garden (RealAudio)
Grace's Garden (Mp3)

Just like Radiocraft, your band could be the proud owner of a gold medalion similar to this.
All you have to do is submit your band into the Showcased Band competition.

The aim is to have a new showcased band once every one to two months. The bands will be chosen by me, the ringmaster here at the unsigned band webring. The name of the current showcased band will be displayed in the HTML Fragment that all sites in the ring have to display, so if your band becomes the showcased band, then it will have a hugh number links all over the web.

Showcased Bands will be chosen about once every three months, and submissions will be accepted all year round. If you haven't entered your band yet then do so by clicking on this link, or by selecting the relevent menu option.

