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Find fun Queensryche stuff like MIDIs, guitar tabs, desktop goodies, pictures, sounds, chat and more through links with descriptions - also info, Seattle links, greeting cards & online games to cure boredom!

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Try downloading Google's toolbar. It blocks the pop-ups. It's great!

I saw this in the entrance to the aquarium at our Henry Doorly Zoo here in Omaha, and thought I would share it with you.

"For in the end,
We will conserve only what we love,
We will love only what we understand,
We will understand only what we are taught."

Baba Dioum

Goodies & Info
This is where to find Ryche pictures, sounds, tabs and lots more.

Website Credits

Toy Box


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Not just the one's with money.


My goal with this page is to offer a place to easily navigate all the wonderful Rychean pages on the world wide web. I want to help people cut down the frustration caused by searches coming back with sites that really have little relevance to what you are looking for and the scores of sites trying to sell you something. I hope my page helps you get around and find what you are looking for.

To contact me, please post a message in the Rychic Friends Network Forum.

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