
My name is Howie D., and this is how we do it. I like the type of girl that one day she'll become my wife. We'll get married, and she'll make me breakfast. She'll make me lunch, and my dinner. I want bacon and eggs, pancakes, orange juice, mashed potatoes, turkey, guacamole, chicken..."-All I Have To Give (Conversational Mix)

Howie Pics

Coming soon:
     **Interesting facts on Howie

**This was taken from the Official BSB Site.  All credit is given
to them.  Until I have time to write my own bio, this will have
to do.**
Howie D. gave himself away at age three when he jumped onto his grandmother's bed and belted out his very first rendition of the old standard, "Baby Face." Today, it's really easy to pick Howie D. out of this crowd--he's the one with the high-flying falsettos. Half-Irish, half-Puerto Rican, Howie D. loves being in the group. Born in Orlando, the last of five siblings, Howie D. has sung in choir, performed in community theater (Sound Of Music, Showboat, Camelot), commercials (Disney World), a Nickelodeon pilot (Welcome Freshman), and the films Parenthood and Cop And A Half. A professionally trained dancer, Howie D. loves to take his hip-hop routines to the local clubs and also enjoys swimming, water sports and racquetball.
Some Howie Quotes:

"No dufo...It's 'She likes it my way'"

"We're having auditions for the next Backstreet Boy"

"Hey, I'm Mr. Romantic! I have Spanish relatives, so romance is
in my blood!"

"I once put someone's name on the Statue of Liberty. I was going
up a spiral staircase that led to the top and I saw everybody
else's name and thought,'What the heck?' It was mine and somebdoy
else's name in a heart, but I'm gonna kiss and tell."

"A lot of people think I'm shy. But once they get to know me,
they realize I'm not shy at all!"

Do you have an interesting fact on Howie? Then send it to me along with it's source (where it came from). How about an awesome picture? Then send me the *link*! Thanks!

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