"My name is Kev and I like the type of girl who can love me for me. The type of girl who I can hold in my arms. And give her all that I have to give. And if you're that type of girl, Then you're gettin' all of my love." -All I Have To Give (Conversational Mix)

Coming soon:
**Interesting Facts on Kevin

Kevin Pics
**This was taken from the Official BSB Site. All credit is given to them. Until I have time to write my own bio, this will have to do.**
Kevin Richardson spent his first nine years on a 10-acre farm and the next eight in a modern-day log cabin. "I had a great childhood," says Backstreet Boys' oldest member. "I loved school, played Little League football, rode horses and dirtbikes, and sang into a hairbrush in front of my bedroom mirror." The boy was happy--and he could sing. After receiving his first set of keyboards as a high school freshman, Kevin spent his adolescence in chorus and drama club. He also entered talent shows and played his keyboards in restaurants and at weddings. These days, prior to touring, Kevin shared an apartment with Howie D. and his cousin Brian. His free time is spent weightlifting, dancing, shooting hoops, playing football, and writing music at his keyboards. Ask him to describe life in the studio and he'll say, "Sing. Eat. Sing. Sing. Eat. Sing. SLEEP!" And on the road? "A lot of fun, a lot of work, and sometimes a little lonely. It's what I've always dreamed of!"
Some Kevin Quotes:

"Come on y'all...Get jiggy with it."

"I got some sugar on that one."

"We did this live show at this radio station in Spain and when we
came out, we were mobbed. I had necklace on that meant a great
deal to me----my brother gave it to me one Christmas----and this
girl just ripped it off my neck!" 

"Does anyone have a big ol' towel?  'Cause I need to stick my
head in the sink..."

Do you have an interesting fact on Kevin? Then send it to me along with it's source (where it came from). How about an awesome picture? Then send me the *link*! Thanks!

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