According to the stars, if your birthday is from: 

March 21 to April 19, you are an ARIES.You're best love matches are:

April 20 to May 20, you are a TAURUS.  You're best love matches are:

May 21 to June 20, you are a GEMINI.  You're best love matches are:

June 21 to July 22, you are a CANCER.You're best love matches are:

July 23 to August 22, you are a LEO. You're best love match is:

August 23 to September 22, you are a VIRGO.  You're best love match is:

September 23 to October 21, you are a LIBRA.  You're best love matches are:

October 22 to November 21, you are a SCORPIO. You're best love matches

November 22 to December 21, you are a SAGITTARIUS.  You're best love matches

December 22 to January 19, you are a CAPRICORN.You're best love matche is:

January 20 to February 18, you are an AQUARIUS.You're best love match is:

February 19 to March 20, you are a PISCES.You're best love match is:

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