Brian Thomas Littrell

Full Name: Brian Thomas Littrell
Birthdate: February 20, 1975
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Birthplace: Lexington, Kentucky
Resides in: Orlando, Florida (with AJ)
Family: mother - Jackie, father, brother - Harold
Weight:145 lbs
Hair: Dirty blond
Nickname: B-Rok, Mr.Joker, Seaver
Hobbies: Basketball, playing the 
trumpet, movies, swimming, golf
Previous Expriences: church 
Old School: 
Lansdowne Elementary School
Favourite Food: Macaroni and 
Favourite Cologne: Ralph 
Safari, CK One
Car: Honda Civic
Biggest Fear: Heights
Fave actor: Jim Carrey
Best Friend of BSB: Nick
Fave Colour: Blue/Forest 
Dream Girl: Pamela Anderson, 
Sandra Bullock, Jada Pinkett
Sleeps in: His boxers
Status: Single
Fave movie: Trainspotting
Pets: cat - Missy
Fave BSB song: I'll Never Break Your Heart
Least Fave Subjects: History and Geography

He was nicknamed Seaver after Tom Seaver, an American 
baseball player.

Brian was the last to join the 
group. He was sitting in US
class when he was called down to 
the office. Kevin had called him 
and asked him if he wanted to join. 
Brian flew down to Orlando on May 
20, 1993.

Brian dyed his hair red.

He has a tattoo on his right arm of a cross on a hill.

B-Rok means "shoot the rock," a
 basketball term his old vocal gave him.

He and Nick are best friends and they 
call each other Frick and Frack

Brian almost died when he was five 
from a heart problem. He got a blood
infection when he fell from his "Big
Wheel" and scraped his knee. Two 
weeks later, his brother Harold was
riding his bike when Bri slipped in 
his path and Harold ran right over him!
When they went to look at the x-rays,
they found he had a hole in his heart 
and he had almost 0% 
chance of living, and was expected
to die. His temperature was so high 
he was placed in a bed of ice in order
to cool him down. He lived because of 
a miracle!

He had open heart surgery on Monday, 
May 4, 1998.

He owns a water bed that he bought for 

Brian wanted to be a teacher.

One regret he has is he wished he
studied more in high school.

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