JULY 16, 1999

If you have seen this show, we would love to post your review! Submit review to LilithFair1999@netscape.net or for more information click here!

Doors Open at 3:00pm
Women's Shelter ($1 Per Ticket Recipient): Women's Resource Center
Lisa Sanders - 3:30-3:50 - Village Stage
Tekla - 3:55-4:15 - Village Stage
Cibo Matto - 4:20-4:40 - Second Stage
Sixpence None the Richer - 4:55-5:15 - Second Stage
Murmurs - 5:20-5:40 - Village Stage
Luscious Jackson - 5:40-6:10 - Main Stage
Beth Orton - 6:15-6:45 - Second Stage
Mya - 6:50-7:20 - Main Stage
Dixie Chicks - 7:40-8:25 - Main Stage
Sheryl Crow - 8:45-9:40 - Main Stage
Sarah McLachlan - 10:00 - 10:55 - Main Stage
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Review written by Edward, who e-mailed yet another great review! Thanks Edward!

Lisa Sanders was very warmly received by her home crowd on the Village Stage, a well-deserved reception as she has worked hard in her modest fashion for so long and now that her talents are beginning to get recognised... :) She duetted with someone I'm not familiar with, and the new material sounds oh so good... Went on to thank all her fans and the Lilith people (esp Marty Diamond) for having her out there...her memorable moment was later to come, when she would be right next to Sarah for the singalong... :)

Much has been written about the other acts by people here, so I'll just be brief and simply state that Beth Orton weaved her magic with that quirky raspy understated voice of hers sliding in and out of the hypnotic tapestry of sound crafted by Ted Barnes and her band ...her typically British sense of humour was less in evidence compared to the Shoreline gigs when she was telling all sorts of jokes waiting for Mya to finish up her extended-time set, instead Beth chose to focus more on the music-making at Coors. Cheers! :)

Sixpence None the Richer has also been a surprising delight for me, as their cutesy "Kiss Me" hit has been so overplayed that I had assumed the worst. Fortunately I was completely wrong, their live Lilith performances have been an eye-opener, and Leigh does have quite a lovely voice...

Tekla on the Village Stage has become one of my favourite acts to look forward to, I enjoy her stripped down acoustic set here at Lilith almost as much as the quite different electronic-oriented sound on their album...her music is almost reminiscent of a 4AD group...plus her Swedish accent is so cute! (pretty dress too :)

Cibo Matto attracted quite a crowd, perhaps partly cos Sean Lennon (boyfriend of the keyboardist) was playing bass? Anyway their peculiar brand of kickarse electro-punk-pop was quite interesting, once I got used to their heavy accents... *heh*

Luscious Jackson then launched the Main Stage acts with their dance-oriented grooves, Ash contributed as usual on percussion, Sarah of course came out to add some sparkle to Ladyfingers, and the crowd appeared to be enjoying themselves.

I'm slowly warming to Mya as the tour progresses, her R&B style (or would it be a watered-down hip hop? ;) and all that choreographed dancing and staged interaction with the audience are not normally my cup of tea (Queen Latifah was the artist of this genre who really, really impressed me last year), but her tap dancing was actually quite well-done, I liked the little touch for the last song when Mya brings all these kids from the audience to dance with her, and let's not forget she's still young and relatively inexperienced for a Main Stage artist (and likes eating at Denny's after the show :) Oh, Ash should take the award for most guest appearances, just like at last year's Liliths, as he did bongos duty this time...

The Dixie Chicks definitely upped the energy level, I'm not an aficionado of country music and don't know anything about them, but these Southern belles were just all out fun and the crowd really got into them! The lead singer talked a mite about her divorce, did a song about a girl who's been good for way too long and was going out now for a night of sin, another one for the "wife beaters out there and a warning for them", and their anthem for "all young people out there and those young at heart who's not afraid to chase their dreams cos it's never too late" - Wide Open Spaces. Oh, Maria Mckee (?) came out as the guest artist ("I'm Lawrence of Arabia and this is my harem" "These girls are really gross!").

Sheryl did a pretty standard set, but left out "Sweet Child Of Mine" and didn't do any collaborations...I was thinking at the time that she must be saving it for the big media/celebrity Rose Bowl show the next day...just like some of the artists did last year at Del Mar...

Sarah... Ice Cream is played on this tour with Vince on piano, and Camille on backup vocals...Black & White is performed these days with Sarah at the microphone, unlike the earlier shows up North where she reportedly was at the piano... Sean didn't do his out-of-control feedback guitar thingy during BAM for once...it does feel sort of strange when Possession kicks off as the haunting strains of Last Dance fades into the background crowd noise & whistling (after having got used to BAM or Sweet Surrender from last year's Liliths and her Surfacing tour), but in a way it makes sense for Sarah's set to take off with two somewhat upbeat tempo numbers...

Goes without saying that that soothing, angelic voice of Sarah's coupled with the songs that resonate in so many people's hearts was soaked in utter bliss by the whole crowd... :)

Review written by Laura Jacobsen who e-mailed me her review! Thanks Laura!

After spending the morning in Tijuana and over an hour at the border on the way back, my younger sister Kelsey and I arrived at the Coors Amphitheater in Chula Vista at 2:00, an hour before the doors opened. The amphitheater was set in the "golden rolling hills of California", which were a gorgeous background! The weather was good, perfectly clear and not too hot. As we sat in line, we could hear Sarah and Sheryl doing their soundchecks.

Even though there were quite a few people in line ahead of us, we got through the gates at about five after three. We got our programs and free sampler CDs and looked around the village for a few minutes before going to the Village Stage to watch Lisa Sanders perform. She was amazing, even though she could only play 4 or 5 songs in her 20 minutes. Lisa sang and played guitar with Dana Lee Wood on guitar and backup vocals. I think it's interesting that Lisa is African American but doesn't go into the usual R&B. She did a signing at the Tower Records booth afterwards and signed our programs. I asked her to come to Alaska, where I live, and she said that it's her dream to go there. Just before she signed my program, she looked at me and said something like, "Oh, I take a look at you and have to write a book. I'll try to hurry." She wrote on my program, "To Laura with a beautiful smile." I was so excited! Lisa was the perfect beginning to my Lilith Fair.

Tekla played after Lisa, but Kelsey and I didn't see her because we were heading to the other side of the Village to the Tower booth. As we left, it looked like she was having some technical problems.

Cibo Matto on the Second Stage was next. They were interesting: two Japanese woman with an Italian name singing pop, techno, and rap. I liked a couple of their songs, but the last one had way too much rap for me. The people in front were really getting into it, but the rest of us seemed a little nonplussed. I'm not going to rush out and buy their CD.

Next up was Sixpence None the Richer. I had my doubts about them, since I've heard Kiss Me on the radio a few too many times and was beginning to think they were just another teenybopper band. I was pleasantly surprised-they sang several good songs and were quite good. We left a few minutes early to try to grab good spots for the Murmurs, which was completely futile since the area in front of the Village Stage was absolutely jammed with people. We stood on the stairs where we could just barely see the stage and listened to a couple of songs. They were pretty good, but it was hard to tell without being able to see well.

After a while, we left the so-crowded village stage area to find our seats at the main stage for Luscious Jackson. They were good too, even though I didn't recognize any of their songs except "Naked Eye". The highlight of their set was when the lead singer said, "Now we have a special guest" and out came SARAH!! She wore loose blue pants that looked like pajama bottoms and a light blue tank top. Sarah sang "Ladyfingers" with LJ and boogied offstage to loads of applause.

When we arrived at the second stage to see Beth Orton, it was already pretty crowded. We managed to skirt around the crowd and get places right up front at the fence! After a few minutes' wait, Beth came on wearing a white longsleeved shirt and brown pedal pushers. She really is tall and lanky, and her hair is dark blonde, not dark like the pictures on Central Reservation. As she introduced herself, I heard for the first time her English accent, and how "Orton" sounds so much better when she says it. Americans just can't say that name quite right. Beth sang a song I didn't recognize since I don't have her first album, Much More, She Cries Your Name, and Central Reservation. She seemed very mellow and relaxed. Her band members, unfortunately, looked like they needed a shower and a change of clothes. Her cellist's redeeming factor, however, was a little sticker on the base of his instrument that said "Support Vaginal Pride". That was so cool! Next to the stage was a little grassy area, also fenced in, where Cibo Matto and the Murmurs were sitting listening to Beth. I first noticed Cibo Matto come in and saw one of the girls enter the outhouse with a sign that said "Artists Only", and Murmurs came in a few minutes later. Near the end of Beth's set, she asked, "So what do you want-Best Bit or Stolen Car?" I really wanted to hear her play Stolen Car, so I was so happy when she replied, "Okay, Stolen Car"! As much as I love the song on the album, it sounds so much better live: much more full-bodied.

After Beth's set ended, she went out next to the stage and goofed around with her band members for a few minutes. I wanted to hang around and see her for a few more minutes in the hopes that she would come over to the fence. There was a group of people waiting as well, and it felt great to be with other Beth Orton fans since I don't know any. One of the neatest things about the whole day happened then. Beth was writing something on one of her band's shirt, and a guy behind me said, "ooh, sign my nipple too!" I was so happy to hear that because Beth is not one of those singers with supermodel looks, but still, some guy totally idolized her. This made me realize that while not many guys come to Lilith Fair, the ones who do are totally awesome.

Happily, Beth walked over to the fence and started signing autographs! I frantically dug around in my backpack and pulled out the jacket to my copy of Central Reservation, which I was oh-so-happy I brought! A very nice guy next to us took our picture with Beth behind us (we'll see how it turned out) and Beth signed my CD jacket! That was probably the best moment yet.

Mya was on the main stage next, but she is not my thing at all. Kelsey and I shopped in the Village during her set. I picked up some brochures on vegetarianism, a halter top and earrings for myself, a T-shirt for my mom, and earrings and a book for my friends. There were a lot of neat booths selling way too much cool stuff.

Now I do not like country, but the Dixie Chicks were awesome. They came onstage in glittery outfits and you could almost see their spunk. The girls had a lot of stage presence, made jokes about Monica Lewinsky, and had everyone on their feet. I really started to enjoy their set when Martie, the lead singer, introduced a song as "for all you wifebeaters out there". The song was about two best friends, one of whom married a guy named Earl who soon started to abuse her. She finally got a divorce and met up with her old friend again. After the next line, "It didn't take them long to decide that Earl had to die!" everyone clapped and cheered. The next song was Wide Open Spaces, and during another song, three inflatable sculptures popped up. They looked like pink girl Gumbys with blond hair, red lips, and skinny white arms with their hands on their hips. The whole set was a lot of fun and the Chicks got a huge ovation when they left the stage.

Sheryl Crow took the stage next and ripped out A Change Would Do You Good. She had so much energy, it was unbelievable. Her set was definitely the loudest of the evening. Each song lasted quite a bit longer than usual because she and her bass player would just murder their guitars for a couple of minutes after she stopped singing. Her set was fantastic and get the audience pumped up for the next performer….Sarah!!

During the 20-minute break between Sarah and Sheryl, I talked to a security guard about a card I had made for Sarah. He said he couldn't let me down near the stage, but if I went around to the side, another guard would pass it backstage to her. I did that, and the guard at the backstage area said she would. I was glad that my card was on its way to Sarah, and I really hope she got it.

Sarah came onstage wearing the glittery Vegas pants yet again (I hope her tour bus has a washer and dryer). She started out with a beautiful rendition of Possession, then sang Black and White, Hold On, Adia, Ice Cream, I Will Remember You, BAM, Sweet Surrender, and FTE, during which the mirrorball that had been hanging above the stage began to spin and surrounded Sarah with swirling white dots on the gorgeous background of violet and gold draperies. I was so happy when she sang FTE because I had just been hoping she would! In the middle of the set, she talked about her pants and the Dixie Chicks' clothes and said that it was every little girl's dream to be able to wear that kind of thing "and strap an electric guitar around their neck-or anything electric, for that matter." The audience cheered and whistled, and Sarah bent her head and looked a little embarrassed like she hadn't meant to say exactly that. She said, "My daddy's in this audience!" It was so funny!! After FTE, Sarah left the stage and came back for an encore of Angel. This was the first time I had seen Sarah perform, and I was blown away. Her voice sounded more girlish live and her movements were very natural. Also, I couldn't have asked for a better setlist. I was having a blast before Sarah came on, but while she sang, I was in heaven.

Finally, Sarah invited all the performers out and they sang "Put A Little Love In Your Heart". Unfortunately, none of the second stage artists were there, so I didn't get to see Beth again, but the rest of the ladies sang wonderfully.

Review written by Celeste H who e-mailed me her review! Thanks Celeste!

Lilith Fair '99 rocked! The Coors Amphitheater was an ideal location for the event because the area was gorgeous (hills and grass), parking was easy to get in and out of, and the weather was perfect. After driving for six hours to get there (we came from Arizona), my husband and I got there a little bit before the gates opened and were able to get the cd sampler (tres cool). We then strolled around all the booths which included Biore, Tommy Hilfiger, Jewelry stands, and clothing stands.

We then went over to the village stage and saw Tekla perform. I had never heard of her before but she was excellent! Kind of a Jewel-esque type of singing. We then caught Cibo Matto on the Second Stage and they rocked the house! It was really strange because people were just kind of standing around not dancing or even bopping their heads to the music...weird. Anyway, we also caught Sixpence None the Richer (great) and Beth Orton (who was the only performer to stick around and sign autographs). Kudos to her!

After that we headed over and caught the Dixie Chicks who had the whole place jumping and then Sheryl Crow came onstage. I have never seen her live before so it was quite an experience. She definitely has a stage presence! I was hoping to hear her new rendition of "Sweet Child O'Mine" but she was good anyway. For the grand finale, Sarah McLachlan came on and her voice is just amazing!

Overall I would say this was one of the best concert experiences I have had (and I've been to quite a few). One recommendation I have: bring lots of money for food or your own food because the foods prices were outrageously expensive!!

Overall rating: A+

Review written by Mike, who e-mailed me his review! Thanks Mike!

Have to confess, when my wife told me she had Lilith Fair tix, I was not quite sure what to expect.
Should any guy wonder - GO...

Coors Amphitheatre was a great setting with the hills lite in the background, behind the main stage. Second stage was not easy to find straight away as we spent time meandering through the various 'fair stalls', picking up free CD's and carefully chosen information e.g. breast cancer, skin care info. Good idea to sell CD's (Tower), that caught my wife's interest - especially the bands signing autographs.

The concert: Sixpence non the richer were fantastic, kind of Sundays/Natalie Imbruglia sound.
Not country music lovers, but Dixie Chicks have great stage presence, even made us dance to country music!
Sheryl Crow was amazing, sang every song with guts and a real musician, even playing an accordian on 'Squeezbox', the old Who song.
Sarah was very assured and obviously enjoying the whole show, encouring with 'Angel'. She was not on stage for very long though, although by this time 6 hours had passed from the first act, so it was already pretty late.

Would I go again...oh yes.

Review written by LMorlet, who e-mailed me! Thanks!

I just got back from the concert in San Diego. The first performer was Luscious Jackson. They were great. The second performer was Mya. She was great. The next performers knocked my socks off. The Dixie Chicks. I wasn't wearing any socks, but if I was they would've been knocked off. The lead singer is a dynamic performer. It looks like she's put on some weight but one can understand what with the divorce and all, hang in there lead singer. I'm going tomorrow morning before I go to the beach and buy their CD. The next performer was Sheryl Crow which is one of my favorites, she is soooo coooooool. She is such a bad ass. Her performance was great. The next performer was Sarah McLachlan. She was great, her songs break my heart.
. The only bad comments I heard were from parents trying to find seats away from practicing exhibitionists. Anyways, this concert was right up there with the Rolling Stones' Concert this past year (maybe even better). I had a blast! I'm so glad I had a chance to see it before it ended.

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