Event Horizon

Infinite Space... Infinite Terror

Event Horizon: by The Buzzroom

Rating: 3 Stars

Laurence Fishburne - Miller
Sam Neill - Weir
Kathleen Quinlan - Peters
Joely Richardson - Starck

Directed By Paul Anderson

Event Horizon is the scariest movie to come about in a while. Simply put, the story is about a rescue team that is sent out to recover the Event Horizon , which disappeared by Neptune 7 years before and find out what happened to the crew. Director Paul Anderson (Mortal Kombat) does a excellent job at the manner in which he builds tension and suspense in most of the scenes of this extremely scary film. He graphically shows everything that you would want him to show and everything you would not(i.e. no shortage of blood and guts. Anderson is a young director, but has a good directional eye for horror. This film gains the response it was designed for: to scare people out of their seats!

This film is somewhat of a cross between 'Aliens' in the respect of the space crew encountering something that even your worst nightmare couldn't prepare you for and 'Hellraiser' in its surreal and graphic depiction of a dimension of pure evil and chaos. If you do not like horror films or you like your horror to be campy, do not go and see this film. Good performances are seen in Laurence Fishburne and Joely Richardson. Sam Neill goes over the top, especially near the end. The dark visions were created well and were very creepy. Unless you're a horror buff this film, while you'll think it was well-made, probably will not appeal to you very much.

Official Event Horizon Website: http://www.eventhorizonmovie.com

Film rating system:

5 Stars: Highly Recommended
4 Stars: Awesome
3 Stars: Very Good
2 Stars: OK
1 Star : Sucked
0 Stars: Why Did They Even Bother Making This Crap?

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Kevman: The Future Of Law Enforcement / robokevman@oocities.com

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