Ronan Keating

Boyzone's Mr. Nice Guy!

Name: Ronan Patrick John Keating

Born: March 3, 1977

Place of Birth: Swords, Dublin

Sign: Pisces

Birthstone: Aquamarine

Hair Color: Blond

Eyes: Blue

Shoe size: 9

Nickname: Tin-Tin

Siblings:3 brothers (Gary, Gerard, Kieran) and 1 sister (Linda)

Car: BMW

Fave Actress: Meg Ryan

Fave Movie: The Hunt For Red October

Fave Food: Pasta

Fave Boyzone Song: I'll be there

Fave Color: Blue

Fave Sport: Motor Racing

Tattoo: Japanese symbol which means "Warrior"

Name means: "Baby Seal"

Scars: 10 (6 on head from falling rock,1 on left arm from a burn,1 on right arm from a knife, 2 on forehead)

First Date: at age 16

Biggest regret: Telling the media he was a virgin

Most embarrassing moment: Forgetting lyrics on stage

Biggest Fear: Snakes

Little known fact: He believes in the Supernatural and UFO's

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