Stephen Gately

The sweetest Boyzone member!

Name: Stephen Patrick David Gately

Born: March 17, 1976

Place of Birth: Dublin

Sign: Pisces

Birthstone: Aquamarine

Hair Color: Brown

Eyes: Blue

Height: 5'7"

Shoe size: 7

Nickname: Homeboy

Siblings: 3 brothers (Mark, Tony, Alan) 1 sister (Michelle)

Car: none

Fave Actress: Michelle Pfeiffer

Fave Movie: Sister Act 2

Fave Food: Breast of Chicken Curry

Fave Song: 'Killing Me Softly' by the Fugees

Fave Color: Purple

Fave Sport: Badminton

Tattoo: Tasmanian Devil

Name means: "Crown"

Scars: none

First Date: at age 12...he still keeps in touch with her.

Biggest Fear: Falling from a high stage

Most embarrassing moment: Dropped the collection plate during Mass

Little known fact: Believes in the supernatural and has a ghost living in his house.

Instrument: Piano

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