DJ Profiles

DJ Profiles

1. Invisibl Skratch Piklz

They Are:

Titles Won (DMC unless stated otherwise):


All from the Bay Area (San Francisco) apart from the newest member A-Trak (Canada).

Available Tapes




(scratch practice)


(Scratch Practice)


(Scratch Practice)

Mixmaster Mike

Other Stuff

Arguably the most talented DJ's in the World. Extended fam includes DJ Apollo, DJ Flare, DJ 8-Ball, and DJ Disk. It is reported that DMC banned them from entering the DMC championships because "No-one else would enter". Mostly play old school, and beats - not much new Hip Hop. They are famous for their scratch practice tapes which are PURE scratching over beats. They are also featured on loads of videos which include: The Turntable TV series, DMC Champions, and 92,93,94 USA and 92, 93, 95 world, ITF vids, vestax turntable mechanics workshop, etc etc.

2. DJ Rectangle

Titles Won

Performed On

Tapes Made


West Coast DJ. Good scratching and mixing skills. Although he's from the West Coast, he also has East Coast tracks on his tapes.

3. The X-Men

They Are?

Titles Won

Roc Raida

Mista Sinista

Tapes Made


I think they are all from New York.

4. The Beat Junkies

They Are?


West Coast.

Tapes Made

If you can help me out with more info, please e-mail me
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