How to join DaRkAnGeL's Darkside of the Web Ring

1. Insert this fragment into your site.

Begin HTML Fragment

[The Marilyn Manson WebRing]
This DaRkAnGeL's Darkside of the Web Ring site is owned by __(your name)__.

Click for the [ Next | Skip It | Next 5 | Prev | Random ]

End HTML Fragment

2. In the fragment coding, change __(e-mail address)__ and __(your name)__ so they are yours. The brackets and underscores are to be removed.

3. Fill out the form and click the "Send Query" Button to notify the webring owner that you want to join the ring. He will e-mail you back, letting you know he got the message, and he will assign you an id number. Remember this id number.

E-Mail Address:
Site Password:

4. Change ALL of the __(id #)__'s in the coding of the fragment, so that they now read to be your id number.<BR>For example, if your id number is 69, the part of the fragment that reads:<BR> Ret = '<a href=" #)__&next" target="_top">Next</a><BR>'.fontcolor("858585"); document.write (Ret); now reads:<BR> Ret = '<a href="" target="_top">Next</a><BR>'.fontcolor("858585"); document.write (Ret);

5. You will be notified if you are added to the WebRing. If there's something wrong (eg. URL not found, fragment incorrect) the owner of the WebRing will e-mail you notifying you of the error.

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