Remembering Lennon

Since my web page is under construction, there aren't very many memories on this page. But I hope that as more people visit this page, stories about John will fill this section. Please send your comments for this page to me at and I will put it up as soon as I can

John Lennon was a wonderful man. He was young, funny, the kind of guy everyone wanted to see.But I think the most important thing he ever did was bring people together.The world's love for John and his music bonded the world together, even if no one knew it. I wasn't around in the sixties to see it. In fact, I was only a few days old when he was killed. But I didn't have to be there to know what it was like. The music speaks for itself, and even today his life serves as an inspiration for many others. - Anne Whaley


John Lennon is my hero. He was loved by many, hated by few, and touched everyone he knew, as well as those he didn't, with his wit and just plain humanity. His death was the end of a musical phenomoenon which will never show its face again. We should all remember John from all the aspects of his life - the laughter, heartache, and dreams. - Rachel "Lennon" Near


Sitting here, with tears practically hitting the keyboard, I can only look back on John with sadness, remembering how much he meant to people and to me personally. I remember him from the 60's-- he was always the "funny" one and one never knew what he might do next. He united a generation with his wonderful music and made us smile again, after Kennedy's assassination. Then the Beatles stopped touring and eventually broke up, which broke our hearts. But John was still very much around and he still made us smile with his crazy, unpredictable antics. Then he took 5 years away from music, for a much needed rest and came back, better than ever. I can't help but wonder what more great music he would have given us if his life hadn't been cut prematurely short by a madman. They say time heals wounds, but in my case, I miss John more as time goes on. - Jeannie


John Lennon is my idol. If I didn't come across his memory about a year ago, I don't know what I would have done. I plan to live my life according to the way I think he would have liked anyone to, minus the drugs of course. If for some odd reason he should read this, I want him to know that I love him. - Jennifer Chesbro


I totally adore John Lennon. He completely changed my life! I don't know what I would be doing, what I would be liking, where would I be if I had not fallen in love with him on October 9th 1993. Yeah, that was the day of his 53rd birthday; I saw Paul on TV, he was talking about the blue and red albums being released on CD. I bought them. I don't even know why because I did not care about the Beatles at all. I listened to the first song on the first CD of the red album, and I don't know what happened, but John became my idol. Just like that, in a few seconds. And from then on, I have been buying every CD, bootleg, book, everything I could about the Beatles and John Lennon. He was such an awesome artist! He wrote the most beautiful songs ever, he wrote awesome poems, he was bright, he was for peace. He was one of the great geniuses of this century. He overcame every hurdle he was confronted with in his life, he never gave up. He said what he thought, and did what he said. For all these reasons, I love him, and for so many more too....they are countless. - Bernice


Even though I had not entered the world when John was killed, it remains fresh in my memory. I went to the Bagism page once, and went straight to "Art and Poetry". Within seconds I was crying and asking "Why?". John was a truly wonderful human being. Lets always remember him for just that. - Abigail Julian Divine