Welcome esteemed guests and salad jockeys to the first episode of the much anticipated Burdocks mail bag. Here you will recieve a most humble greeting and update from the Burdocks. Heelo! Well, this being the first installment, I feel I should tell a little bit about the Burdocks. The Burdocks(formerly Freeloader, formerly Rinse) is a music deity formed from free-floating tone apparitions captured in their ripest and most fragrant stages of development. If that doesn't quite create a aural picture check out The Burdocks first self-entitled release, presently only available in our heads and in demo-form....or you could request a song("Elevator" perhaps) on CKDU 97.5 FM. Give them a call at (902)-494-6479 and say, "I was just sitting around drinking a non-comercial beverage thinking about the similarities between glass and plastic and thought that now is a good time for The Burdocks!".Anyway, I'm sure you'll hear from us in the future. So, keep the air clean and wash your socks If you buy them second hand. --------Lucas- strings and things

That's all fer now -Mr. Hanus

The Burdocks:P.O. Box 284,Annapolis Royal, N.S.B0S 1A0

Phone: (902)532-7700

Fax: (902)532-7776


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