You actually wanted to know more about me..... Bless you.

You actually wanted to know more about me..... Bless you.

I am 19 years old, was born in the popular industrial city, that gave rise to the mill girls, Lowell,Massachussets. I am currently attending UMASS Dartmouth attempting a major in Biology. I am a big R.E.M. fan and will soon have the entire collection of their albums in every form possible (CD, cassette, vinyl, etc.). My friends are very important to me and they have even helped out on this page. My genious friend Alan B. Northrup (whose link is on my links page) is at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachussets. My cousin Chris (who I think of more as a brother and a friend than as a cousin) inspired the name of my main page. I have a lot of friends who I also consider brothers basically because they are also my brothers. What I mean by this is that I am in a fraternity. I am a brother of SIGMA TAU GAMMA fraternity. If you have any questions or comments you can email me by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page. Thank you for visiting my page. Check back often to see any changes.
