Letters To Cleo Part Ways With Revolution

Joining the ever-growing world of label-less well- known acts this week is Boston's Letters to Cleo. The band and their record label, Revolution Records, have just parted ways. Revolution's spokesperson was out of town, and couldn't be reached for comment at press time. However, a label staffer did confirm that the band is no longer on the label. Revolution (formerly Giant Records) released the group's last album, 1997's Go! and 1995's Wholesale Meats and Fish on CherryDisc/Giant.

This comes at a strange time since the foursome -- led by Kay Hanley -- have just landed a spot on this summer's Lilith Fair and is in the midst of their own tour. The Lilith Fair dates they're on are Aug. 9 in Burgettstown, Pennsylvania at the Star Lake Amphitheatre, April 10, Hershey, Pennsylvania at at Hershey Park, and Aug. 11, Mansfield, Massachussettes at Great Woods Center. The band's other dates include, May 1, West Palm Beach, Florida, SunFest; May 2, Kent, Ohio, Kent State Univ.; May 3, Atlanta, Music Midtown; May 8, Providence, Rhode Island, Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel; and May 16, Boston, Paradise.