Stacy and his Sensitive Stomach

This section is based on all the times Stacy has had food poisoning. Since this IS Stacy news, I've decided to post this.

2/20/97-"At the February 19th Letters To Cleo show at the Mercury Lounge in New York, Stacy was feeling a little under the weather. Nevertheless, he was there to drum, so he did. But by the tenth number, he couldn't do it anymore. He had to leave, due to a case of food poisoning!!!....."-Woody

2/24/98- ".....Last Thursdays show in New York didn't go to well for Stacy and Greg. They both got sick from something they ate earlier in the day and had to go to St. Vincents Hospital after the show. They are both just peachy now but wanted to convey this message...stay away from that damn White Castle!....." -Dunlop

".....the Cleos took the stage only to have Kay inform us that Stacy was ill with some mysterious stomach ailment (apparently this has happened before to Stacy in NYC). They promised to play for as long as they could - which didn't appear to be for long since they had placed a garbage can beside Stacy should he need it. The poor guy was in visible agony but he managed to play for about an hour before he was forced to bail out. What a trooper! Kudos to you, Stacy!....." -amit_saha@vnet.IBM.COM

".....At the Mercury Lounge Stacy Jones played only half the show because he was ill (from the way he looked I'm surprised he made it that far, thanks Stacy!). Kay and Michael finished the show on their own with no drums or backup guitars....." -